Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Godly Things

Touch the eternal.
With hand, eye, heart and mind, always know.
There is silence.
The Presence is a presence known.
Revealed; Unchanging.
Remember! Remember the birth.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

So long...for now.

Galatians 2:20 says, "I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me."

My Grandmother Gladys Brown died a week ago Monday.  She is an extraordinary child of God.  You may view her obituary here.

Over the past week there has been a cloud of sadness hovering over me.  I thought  "my gosh, am I depressed?  Do I need to see a doctor?  Perhaps...but not about this.  I am full on in the process of grieving the loss of my grandmother.  But while I am sad beyond any control.  I am also confident that I will see her again.  The only life worth having, as the Apostle Paul describes in the passage above is the one that we have in Jesus Christ.  My grandma has that.  I have that.   Notice the present tense.  The life of those we lose in this earthly existence does not end if they are "in Christ."  This is a mystery and a mystical truth that when give ourselves over to the Lordship of Jesus that his life, the life that never ends, resides in us.  
We all share the same life if we are in Christ.  The actions of my grandma in life are just as much a part of the story of my life as mine are.  Its just that her part of the story began 50 years before mine did.  

Just the same when I go to the funeral tomorrow, I know the pain and the sting of loss will be intense.  We will share memories.  We will be together as a family.  And what a family it is.  My grandmother raised 5 head-strong children, who all found partners who are all just as bold and intelligent.  This is the environment in which I grew up.  This is my family.  We are all part of the same story, we are just telling it  from different perspectives.  One day we will all be reunited.  for me and grandma it may be another 50 years, but I can wait.  

Love you grandma.  So long...for now. 

Sunday, December 25, 2011


John 1:1-14

And the word became flesh and lived among us.
This world was created by the very word of God. Whether that happened with a big bang or otherwise makes no difference to me. It was the creative power of almighty God that made it happen.
God set in motion His created order. God set in motion a story where the characters, you and I are free to write our own scripts, free to love him or reject him. God saw that when left completely alone we are incapable of helping our selves. So God entered the story as one of the participants to offer us an opportunity for a happy ending.
And the word became flesh and lived among us.
Pause for a moment think of the beauty that is all around you. Feel the breath fill your lungs and feel the air leave them. And feel the rhythm of your heart. Every breath, every heartbeat is a gift of god. Here now in this sacred place we take time out to celebrate the coming of the Baby Jesus into the world. We also come with Holy expectation that Jesus will be born into our lives again. That his Holy Spirit will germinate in us and take root and make us better than we have ever been before. We are here to make a very special birth announcement. God the Father wants everybody in all ages to hear this announcement.
The birth announcement was first delivered by the angels that night in Bethlehem, but now the announcement of Jesus birth comes from each one of us down through the ages who comes to know that Jesus is Lord.
This truly is a grass roots campaign. God could have started with emperor Augustus. And then the emperor could have made decrees that everyone should worship Jesus. That’s the way we humans would go about it. God doesn’t call a people to himself. He calls you to himself. He calls me. Has been calling individual people to himself and he will continue to seek out every individual until the end of time. Being a Christian isn’t about being part of an organization, its is first about pondering in your heart what god has already done for you. Pondering what he is offering you and you simply accepting that free gift that is yours for the taking. Pondering the fact that the Word became flesh and lived among us.
The Word became flesh and was born in a
barn.  Now that's really real.
When one person makes that decision and joins with other people who have made that same decision to worship God and praise his name, there is Joy in the heavens and in the earthly church.
It is the action of God that makes the difference in our lives. It is the presence of God and our willingness to accept God's presence that will enrich our lives. Only God can truly Change us. The change that we can come up with in our lives are things like Pregnancies, promotions, relocation, weddings, war, resistance to war... All these things can change our life and will make things different. The Big news that God sent his angels to announce not only made things different from that point on for Mary and Joseph, the shepherds, the magi and anyone else that may have been a witness. But it change the course of human history, and even more important than that it will change your destiny if you only believe. I don’t know where you are, at this point in your life. Only you and god know how your relationship is.
Know this: The Word became flesh and lived among us.
The difference this makes is significant to say the least. The efforts we make in this life to change ourselves, to change others, to change systems are doomed to failure until we admit that we are helpless as babies and need to fully rely on God.
Not only rely on God but to fully submit to God. Now if I were a motivational speaker rather than a pastor I would not use the word “submit.” that word seems has taken on negative connotations in our culture. We value individualism, strength, resourcefulness, power, fortitude. Submission seems to fly in the face of all that.
Well...we're just going to have to get over that. Jesus is Lord of heaven and earth. Jesus is the light that shines in the darkness and the darkness did not overcome it.
In verse 12 of our reading today it says “But to all who received him (Jesus), who believed in his name, he gave power to become children of God... He gave them who believe 'power' to become children of God. It is as if belief isn't necessarily enough. Please correct me if you think I am wrong but it sure sounds like if if you believe you still have the option of not being one of God's Children.
One can believe that Jesus is the Word made flesh and still live apart from God.
Well we know this is true from Mark's Gospel when a man with an unclean spirit cried out,
what have you to do with us , Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who your are, the Holy One of god.” But Jesus rebuked him, saying , “Be silent, and come out of him.”
So just knowing who Jesus is and acknowledging it isn't enough. Especially if you are opposed to God.
Knowing Jesus is the first step.
The next is becoming his disciple. That means searching the scriptures and discerning the will of God for your life. That means opening yourself, being willing to be enlightened by the Power of the Holy Spirit. There is no formula for this. There is no spiritual checklist for this to happen, it all goes back to submission to God. Are you willing to admit your complete lack of ability to save your self and ask God to save you.
God will change you. It wont feel forced or awkward. Your spirit will be changed, and you will begin to see the Kingdom of heaven realized in your own life.
The word became flesh and lived among us. This is information that matters but its what you do with it after you believe it that makes the difference.
So How is it with you today on this Christmas morning? Are you ready to begin or begin again your discipleship journey with the Lord of heaven and earth?

Would you pray with me?

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Missed Opportunity

This chalk painting was done by a volunteer chaplain at Hospitality
INC (In the Name of Christ), an emergency shelter in Ludington Michigan.

A special baby came.

The era of Jesus came and offered life to all those who would believe in him. Believeing in him means what we trust in him free us from death and to give us a life that will never end.
We trust in Jesus because no matter how good we are at living this earthly life, it will never be good enough to earn eternal life. We have to get to the end of our ego's. We have to get to the end who we are and who we think we are and trust in Jesus. Believing in Jesus also means that we believe what he said and believe what he believed.

Jesus said who ever gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones in the name of a disciple- truly I tell you, none of these will lose their reward.

Mary and Joseph made there way to some inn and the innkeep didn not admit them. There was no room. It wasn't his fault. There was no room. This was a young couple. She was about to give birth.
Joseph: The baby's comin'
Innkeeper: Not here it's not.
some will ask “when was it that we saw you hungry or thirst or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and didn not take care of you?” then He WILL ANSWER THEM, “truly I tell you, just as you did not do it to the one of the least of these you did not do it to me.”

caring for those in need seems to be a top priority for Jesus. He knows about it first hand. But in our story at the point the inkeeper enters the story: Jesus wasn't born yet, right? Jesus hadn't yet said and done the things revolutionized the world. His earthly ministry hadn't yet begun. The sacrifice of his life had not yet been offered. The Holy Spirit had not yet empowered te earthly church to be the body of Christ.

It wasn't his fault that he turned away a young woman on a cold night that was about to give birth.

Jesus is quite clear as to what it means to be His disciple. He once sumarized it with an answer to a question designed to test him. Jesus was asked, “Teacher, which commandment in the law is greatest?” He said to him, “you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.” This is the greatest and first commandment. He didn't even tell them that he was God. He didn't tell them that the face that they were looking at was the face of God. He didn't tell them his very being was the reflection of the glory of God. No he didn't tell them those things, it wasn't time yet. He did talk about another commandment though. He said the second is like it: You shall love your neigbor as yourself.”

Who is my neighbor? Jesus answers that question too. (story of the good Samaritan).

Mary probably said “but the baby's comming” In keeper said “Not here he's room”

What ever you did not do for the least of these you did not do it for me.
The innkeeper walked on the other side of the road, so-to-speak.

To say the least, that inn keeper missed an opportunity.

“The intentionshould be not to justify Christianity in this present age, but to justify the present age before the Christian message” -Dietrich Bonhoeffer, The Interpretation of the New Testament. Those who love and neighbor have a responsibility to stand up to evil and injustice in what ever form it presents itself.

In our story it is the hard heart of an inkeeper who forced Mary and Joseph to make the decision to have their baby in a barn!

That door may have been closed to Jesus, but the door to Jesus is open. Jesus said “ask, and it will be given you; search, and you will find; Knock and the door will be opened for you.

Jesus says it doesn't matter how you treated me. I still love you. I believe in you even if you don't believe in me.

The comfort of the inn was denied to the family of Jesus but that didn't change the fact that the baby was commin'

The baby was coming whether he let them stay there or not. The sad part of his story is that he didn't get to experience it. He didn't get to be a part of it.

The presence of Jesus in the world demands a change in both the way we live and the way the world operates.

God wants to come into your life. God wants to use you. God wants to transform the world through you. Do you want to experience that? Do you want to be part of that? Then hear this: “the baby's comin'”

God will do what god will do. When Jesus was rolling into town on what we now call Palm Sunday the people were shouting and praising God but the religious folk didn't like it. They said to Jesus “Teacher, order your disciples to stop.” He answered, “I tell you if these were silent, the stones would shout out.” There's no stoppin' God.
the babys comin will you be a part of it?
If you are not thanking and praising Jesus, he'll find someone else to do it.
'cause..the baby's comin'.

John the Baptist used the words of the prophet Isaiah “The voice of the one crying out in te wilderness: 'prepare the waay of the Lord, make his paths straight.'” We may not be ready. For the baby...
but the baby's commin'

We will encounter folk like the inkeeper, who put there hands up and say, “no thank you” to the Good news about Jesus Christ but that doesn't change the fact that... the baby's comin'.

Now Jesus was already born in the flesh and has ascended into heaven. What is being born is the kingdom of heaven. The processs of this birth began with the Birth of Jesus 2000 and some years ago in a little village a quarter way around the planet. It started small like a mustard seed but what was planted started to grow and will grow and grow until there is room for everybody. The home of God will be with us. He will live with us. We will be his people and God himself will be with us. He will wipe every tear from our eyes and death will be no more; Mourning and crying and pain will be no more. And Jesus who will be sitting on the throne says, “See, I am making all things new.”
The process continues with us when we believe in Jesus, when we believe what Jesus said and when we believe what Jesus believed.
Our brothers and sisters, our friends and neighbors have something of the kingdom of heaven growing in them. They all have a part to play. Everyone is invited to the party in God's kingdom. We gather here in God's house, which is a beautiful house. Why wouldn't people want to come to God's House?
When those who accept the invitation come to the door, will we Join them in witnessing what God is growing in them or will we say, “ No thank you...not here.”
Hey! The baby's comin'
What we should be looking for are folk who have said, “Yes!” to God. We should be looking for people who want to say “Yes” to god and have not yet heard the question. We should be looking for people who are carrying great burdons so that we can give them rest that they can know that God is already saying “Yes” to them.

The Baby's commin'!”

So how is it with you on this most Holy Day? Will you be a witness to what God is doing in an through your brothers and sisters?
The inkeeper missed his opportunity. If only we would have our eyes open to what God is doing we wont miss it!. You don't want to miss an opportunity like that. We don't want to miss the the blessings of God. On this most holy day, may you see the Glory of God reflected in the Face of Jesus, the little baby born in a manger.

Would you pray with me?

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Mission

Have you ever seen the movie The Mission with Jeremy Irons and Robert DeNiro? In it DeNiro plays a very vile man who kills his own brother. With the guidance of a priest, he tries to find peace through penance for what is done and then he becomes a monk himself. In the end of the movie he reverts back to his violent ways, not his former life, but he solves the problem in the movie by reverting to violence he once was proficient at. my question is can we change our nature? God calls us to use the gifts he has given us. I'm sure that he did not give the gift of violence to people, however I wonder if sometimes we are culturally conditioned to think certain ways of being and living are undesirable when in all actuality God wants us to use those traits to serve him.
Some very important people in my life people I respect greatly have been very forward direct and sometimes even offensive people. The common thread however seems to be that all those people had at the center of their lives love. When we are motivated by a selfless love a love that is not self seeking, a love that is giving and forgiving then God will use any gift that we have, any skill or trait to serve His ends.
If you have seen the movie the Mission. I would love to know what you think. Do you think that the DeNiro character failed or do you think that he was living out the way that he was designed by God?

Sunday, December 18, 2011

No sermon today

One week to go 'till Christmas. The tradition at St. Paul is to have a children's program. That was today sermon.
This year my family is reinventing and re-imagining what it means to celebrate Christmas because for the first time in my life, my siblings an I are Not going to be together.
This will not be easy.
I have always drawn much of my identity from who I am in relation to my family. We have always been very close. The very symbol of that closeness is our yearly gathering at the family home around christmas time.
All that fell apart this summer for various and understandable reasons, of which I won't go into here.
And so my wife and our children have had several conversations about what our family traditions will be. It's both sad and exciting. Sad for what has been lost, exciting starting a new chapter of life of which we will pen many of the details that otherwise may have been pre-determined.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

On This Side of Life

I respect the life that Mary mother of Jesus lived. I respect it, but I don't envy it. She was asked to carry the child that was God's son and face public scorn. she was willing, I respect that. she gave birth to a baby in a barn, I respect her for her strength and doing what you had to do. I don't envy her having to go through that experience, being rejected hearing, "There's no room here for you."
I don't envy a mom who spends her whole life knowing how special her child is only to watch that child be ridiculed and rejected. I don't envy a mom that watches as her son gets arrested unjustly. I certainly don't envy a mom who watches as her son is executed. And yet the Bible says when Elizabeth heard Mary's greeting the child lept in her womb and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit and exclaimed with a loud cry "Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb."
Just saying someone has a blessed life does not by any means mean that they have an easy life.
It's a rainy day on the sunset coast of Michigan. Everything about today makes me want to slow down, perhaps even take an afternoon nap (I am usually opposed to taking naps because it means I would have to get out of bed twice in one day). Days like this lend themselves to contemplation. Just thinking about where you been, we've been through and where you are now. It seems I've done a lot of that lately, remembering the people of my past, people I've lost along the way, the people I've left behind. It's a terrible thing to experience the brokenness of this world, to experience the pain that comes inevitably with this human life. The thing to do, however is to repair the brokenness. I've said that before this blog. When we can make connections when we can demonstrate love and when we can heal old hurts, I believe that's the beginning of the abundant life that God has promised to us. I'm sitting here in my office at the church just on the other side of the office door is the sanctuary, lit only by the lights on the Christmas tree in the chancel area. People come to this place to experience the presence of God, to experience the love of God by demonstrating that love for each other. Behind every happy smiling face that I see on Sunday, There's a story. There's a story of pain of old Hurts of brokenness and of struggle.
And God loves each one of them so much he came and sacrificed is own human life for each one of us. We may think we know our fellow brothers and sisters. We may think we know them so well that we have the right to judge them, but we don't. Some people have felt the pressures of this life and found it to be too much to bear. In the last 20 years, I have lost four friends who thought just that. Blair, Jeff, Angie and Matt, for them, I will remember. I will remember them and I'll try harder to reach out to really hear those who have something to say.
God said that he will make all things new. I don't think God is waiting to the end of time to do this. I think through us we have to make all things new. We have to fix those relationships. We have to fix those hurts. We have to lift each other up and support each other and love each other. That's what it means Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
So let's all be kind to each other because a blessed life does not necessarily mean an easy life.

In God's perfect love


Sunday, December 11, 2011

Woodcarver's Christmas

The message given during worship today will be from Bruce P.  He will courageously and graciously share his testimony about his journey of loss and healing since the loss of his beloved son.  
A woodcarver himself.  Bruce will share his story against the backdrop of the story The Woodcarver's Christmas, read by his wife Genette.  
Bruce carved the Nativity scene that is on the Alter at St. Paul Church which is featured on the front page of the church web site.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Juliana.  Loves reading and imagining possibilities.  Future
tae kwon do master
  As we approach the Christmas celebration one of the greatest joys is the gift and blessing of family. Family is the unit of measure in the Kingdom of God, not the individual. It is true that God loves each one of us and we are all uniquely made, however it seems that the biblical witness suggests that it is the family that God is most interested in.

Alex.  Loves science, logic and has a heart for justice
It makes sense the very nature of God is that of a loving community of relationships. We understand the One God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit all of the same essence yet distinct in their own way. All three living as one in relationship with each other.
Savannah.  A natural leader.  Loves dance.
Jaylen. Always happy.  Loves to
"drive" everything i.e.Mario
Cart, toy trucks, plates, chairs -
whatever he can imagine as a steering
God, however has not restricted the idea of family to those with whom we share DNA. In fact It seems that it is God's intention that we see beyond those connections to find a broader definition of family. In chapter 12 of the book of Genesis in the Bible “The Lord said to Abram, 'leave your native country, your relatives, and your father's family, and go to the land that I will show you. I will make you into a great nation. I will bless you and make you famous, and you will be a blessing to others.” Notice God called Abram away from ties of biological family to do his will. God wanted to use Abram to bless others in this new place. Abram receives the promise from God that “all families on earth will be blessed through you.” This is interesting because it is radically inclusive. It's not just the Hebrew people, it's not just this kingdom or that one. Likewise it is not for all individuals, it is for all families. Being part of a family, an active part of a family means that we are necessarily in relationship with others. Our own ideas, passions, desires, fears are all in play in the context of the on-going dynamics of multiple relationships. It is when we are selfish and insular that we deny ourselves the blessings of God.
This model of relationship expands. Families are not supposed to isolate themselves either but share the blessings they have with others. Chapter 12 of Exodus describes the instructions for the first Passover. In it it says “...each family must choose a lamb or a young goat for a sacrifice, one animal for each household. If a family is too small to eat a whole animal, let them share with another family in the neighborhood. Divide the animal according to the size of each family and how much they can eat.”
Family has always been and remains important to me. My ideas of family are expanding though. For instance our friends Mike and Nancy have become such beloved friends that indeed they are a part of our family even though we are separated by 200 miles and not a lick of DNA. God brought us together. My biological father was adopted as a toddler; I was adopted by my step-father; After having two children of our own we adopted three children in 2008 and am currently trying to adopt their youngest sibling who was born in April of 2010. Family in all these cases had nothing to do with being biologically related it's all about choosing to be in relationship with each other.
Julian.  A deep thinker.
 Loves action and adventure. 

God decided in advance to adopt us into his own family by bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ. This is what he wanted to do, and it gave him great pleasure. So we praise God for the glorious grace he has poured out on us who belong to his dear son. He is so rich in kindness and grace that he purchased our freedom with the blood of his son and forgave our sins. He has showered his kindness on us, along with all wisdom and understanding.” Ephesians 1:5-8

My three youngest all have special needs. If you know them you probably already know this. If you are interested here is a link to an article I would like you to read so that you may understand them better and perhaps make being in relationship with them a little easier.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

A Christmas Story

Mark 1:1-8

God is telling a story and we are the main characters.
This Gospel reading is, as I said from the book of Mark. Over the course of the next year we will be reading primarily from the book of Mark. This is my favorite of the Gospels because the energy is so high. The writer of Mark tells the story of what happened when he was following Jesus. The portion I just read was the beginning of that story. He was setting the stage for all that he experienced when he was following Jesus.
When we look at this text we have a tenancy, for good reason, to look at the words of the prophet Isaiah and to try to understand the message of John the Baptist and what it means to prepare for the lord by making paths straight. But I like to take a step back and just listen to the voice of the story-teller. In this story he sounds so excited.
There is an urgency in the story as if he understands that this is something that needs to be said and something that people really need to hear. I think because he knows that it is God's story.

I read a story recently. A supposed Christmas story. The only thing “Christmas” about it was that Christmas was mentioned in it. I am going to step out of the pulpit to tell it to you because it's not the message for the day...

What did that story teach us? What values did that story convey? It lifts up being crafty, heartless, ruthless perhaps even being mean. Just because we put the label Christmas on it does not make it Christian.
year we hear the message: “Keep Christ in Christmas.” and I agree with the idea, its just that all the Christians I They all say “Merry Christmas.” They all know of the love of God and the sacrifice of Jesus. So to whom are we directing the message, Keep Christ in Christmas? To those who don't believe? Do we really want Macy's and Wal Mart being the ones who direct the message of Christmas? Do we want atheists and people who are opposed to the teachings of Jesus to be spokes persons for the holiday?
I say, if someone wants and prefers to say “Happy Holidays.” let em'. Because then we know where they stand. We can love them right where they are. We won't make any false assumptions about what they believe. We touched on this issue in the adult discussion group a couple weeks ago.
The theme of our discussions for the past several weeks has been on how do we give in a way that is in line with our faith. How can Christmas and the lessens we learn change our life? How can the story of Christmas change the world?
The event that we celebrate at Christmas certainly changed the world in the most profound way. The birth of Jesus in Bethlehem divided time. The eternal God of all creation became human and offered salvation to anyone who would put their trust in in him. After the birth of Jesus every thing has been different. We have access to God. We have a way that leads to eternal life. The suffering and injustice of this world is not part of God's story for us. God wrote a different story for us but we messed it up. Humanity, in our freedom that God granted us, failed to follow the story line.
You see, we are all central characters in the story that God wrote.
Can you imagine reading a book where the main character didn't do what he was supposed to do? When you pick up a mystery novel and the detective in the story decides not to pursue the truth, would that be frustrating? If you have ever seen the movie No Country for Old Men you know what I am talking about. In that movie there is a very bad guy and the good guy is pursuing him, but in the end the good guy just retires. That's it. There is no justice. I found that ending to very jarring and frustrating.
That's how it is with us. God wrote the story of creation. He intends for all of us, every person living to be a part of his family. He gifts us with talents and abilities as well as spiritual gifts. God intends for us to use our gifts to make life better for all those around us. We tend to forget this though. The tendency is to think first of our own comfort and prosperity.
The question is: If someone were reading the story of our lives, would we be following the story line that God intended for us or are we off course? The answer is, of course, between you and God.
When we participate in the Holy Sacraments. Holy baptism and Holy Communion we become direct participants in the story of God. When we invite the Holy Spirit to bless us we are inviting God to change us. We are giving ourselves over to the Story that God is tellingl. John the Baptists part of the story of God was that of a messenger to all, that we need to prepare ourselves to receive God. But what does that mean? Does that mean that go shopping and sing Christmas carols? Well yes in our culture that is part of how we prepare. Those are cues to us that we are getting ready for this blessed season. Those are things that bring joy to people. That joy is a reflection of the joy that God promises to his children. Are shopping and parties supposed to be the source of our joy? No, of course not; Jesus is. And that is a story worth telling. So to all those who prefer to say “Happy holidays” you can give them the gift of telling them the story of Jesus through your life. When you follow God's story-line and your life is filled with joy, despite its difficulties, despite it's challenges people will be interested in hearing the story you have to tell.
This is the season of Advent. A time when we are preparing ourselves to be changed. Preparing ourselves to be a part of the story. How is it with you today? In this season of Advent? What part has God written for you? Would you pray with me?

Thursday, December 1, 2011

A reading from the Church Fathers

I thought you would like to read today's reading from A Year with the Church Fathers.

Recognize both natures in Christ

Jesus Christ, the Word incarnate, was true God and true man. When we hear or read the Gospel stories, says St. Gregory the Great, we need to see both natures at work, because we need to understand that both natures are vital for our salvation.

When you read or hear the Gospel, you find some things in our Lord Jesus Christ subjected to injuries, and some things lit up by miracles. In the same Person now the humanity appears, now the divinity shines out.

Don't think any of these things are a delusion, as if Christ were either man or God alone, but believe both faithfully, and worship both very humbly.

Attribute it to the man that he was born of a woman; attribute it to God that his mother's virginity was not harmed, either by conception or by bearing.

Recognize the form of a slave wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger, but acknowledge that it was the Lord's form that was announced by angels.

Understand it of his humanity that he did not avoid the wedding feast; confess it divine that he turned water into wine.

Let your own feelings explain to you why he shed tears over a dead friend; realize his divine power when that same friend, after moldering in the grave four days, is brought to life and raised just by the command of his voice.

For the old original wounds in human nature could not be healed, except by the Word of God taking flesh to himself from the Virgin's womb, by which flesh and the Word existed together in one and the same Person.

–St. Gregory the Great, Sermon 46, 2

Brought to you by Saint Benedict Press