“I am the good Shepherd: the god
shepherd gives his life for the sheep.”
place the eternal truth of the love
of God before your children and they will grow as God intends.
As parents and
grand parents, as aunts and uncles, and as Sunday School teacher's
and adult role models living in a culture that promotes
self-indulgence and exploitation of others we have a huge task at
hand. The next generation of adult Christian leaders is among us.
They are here, perhaps one day a week for perhaps one hour. The rest
of the week they are inculcated, inundated, and indoctrinated. They
get conflicting messages from school, internet and television and I
would count on very little of it jiving with the eternal truth of the
love of God in Jesus Christ. So we may only get an hour. We ought
to make to most of it.
I remember the
churches I attended as a child. I went to Mt. Pleasant 1st
United Methodist and Weidman United Methodist on a semi/less than
regular basis. I remember having to be good; having to sit still and
be quiet. I remember trying to figure out why we only read the first
line of each paragraph on the song book then the second line in each
paragraph when I was taught something completely different in school.
I remember the pastor in his robe standing in front saying something
like. “Blah, blah, blah...” Then at the end of church when we
were free to leave the crowd was so big and so slow to move it was
hard to get out of the building with any speed.
This was my
perception of worship as a child. Certainly not what I hope for my
children or any child that comes to St. Paul UMC. But this may be
similar to what some are experiencing even today. Our mission here
at St. Paul is to know Christ and to make him known. An that is
exactly what needs to happen for the next generation of Christians to
grow into the people that God intends them to be. Know Christ:
brothers and sisters focus on your knowledge of the Savior; focus on
your relationship with God; focus on your obedience to Christ
commands to Love God and neighbor, and to proclaiming that the
Kingdom of God has come near and that we are to turn to God and thus
receive forgiveness for our failures. That's knowing Christ and
making him known whether you are 8 or eighty.
Alright this next
part is for the older folk out there. Youth you can tune out if you
want. Anyone over 18 years old, here's the deal. We will always
have someone that will stand here and proclaim the Good News about
Jesus Christ. We will always have a place to come and love each other
and have fellowship with each other. The Church that Jesus Christ
established will know no end, that's a promise. We will always have
potlucks, and Christmas parties. We will always have Easter
breakfast and Sunrise service. The thing is we only have these youth
and children here an hour a week sometimes a little more, sometimes a
little less. We ought to do our best to make the most of it. I want
to invite you to think about your child or any child's experience
here. What is inviting about this place from there perspective.
What is intriguing? What about this place will hold a child's
attention and what will communicate the eternal truth of God's love
through Jesus Christ. We have to ask ourselves are we doing all we
can to shape disciples for Jesus Christ or are we doing what is
comfortable for us?
We celebrate when
our toddlers learn to walk and we rejoice when they learn new words
and can talk. But then it seems we spend the rest of our time
telling them to sit down and be quiet. The youth and the children of
the church are not the future of the church they are the church.
They are our much younger brothers and sisters in the faith. They
are here often times only because they have an adult in their lives
that has come to know Christ and they want to make him known. We
have just a small widow of opportunity to demonstrate the extravagant
love of God to these young disciples so that they can come to a
desire to know the love of God for themselves.
Alright this next
part is for the youth. You older folk, you an tune out if now if you
want to. Youth, this is your church. God has made you and has
equipped you with talents and spiritual gifts. These talents and
spiritual gifts are not solely for your benefit they are for you to
honor and love God as well as to build up and help your brothers and
sisters in Jesus Christ. Your understanding of God may have started
with your parents or grandparents. It will always be formed by the
experience of others because our knowledge of Christ comes from our
collective experience of him. However your own experience of God
through Jesus Christ is just as important to the life of this church
as anyone's. Your church needs you. It is only by the sharing the
talents and gifts that God has given you that we are made whole.
Some may tell you of other priorities. Some may tell you to to put
your self first, or the environment, or the government, or our
country or some union or political party. But as a beloved Child of
God you know the highest priority is loving God and demonstrating
that love by loving your neighbor. Youth, you can change the world.
You can be an example of God's love and change even those who you
think know more than you about God.

Jesus is the Good
Shepherd. We are his flock. When he saw that we had gone astray and
we were threatened by predators on all sides he came and guided us to
safety. He gave up his own life so that we would would be safe
forever. He laid down his life for his flock. And now we have been
given charge of the flock. We still have eternal security in his
name because of his sacrifice. But there are still predators. There
are still dangers and we as a gathering of God's people have to care
for each other so that we don't get bumped around as much.
Brothers and
sisters we need to focus on making disciple for Jesus Christ for the
transformation of the world starting with the disciple within our own
walls. We may feel uncomfortable with change sometimes but we only
have an hour a week to make a difference for our best voices outside
these walls, the youth and children of this congregation. We need to
get the nursery upstairs. We need to hear the sounds of children in
the midst of worship. We need to honor their place in our life of
faith. We need to use this building as a safe place for children to
come after school if they don't have another place. This place needs
to be where they experience the unconditional and boundless love of
God through Jesus Christ.
So how is it with
you today? How can you make this place a better place for the Young