We may be more valuable than a lily or grass in a field but our lives are just as temporary, therefore each day is a celebration. Even the planned and regular interruption of my much valued sleep by Miles Davis playing from my CD alarm clock is a joyful event. I have, in my most human way, tried to order my life so that it is as predictable and manageable as possible. However, as we all know, change happens.
We get older, we grow stronger in our convictions or we let some of them go as they are no longer useful. Our bodies start to fail as the years wear on. Even if the circumstances of our life were stable…we are not.
Truth is circumstances are even less stable than our physiology. Things happen. Relationships change, children grow up, economies falter, wars rage, tires go flat and in the midst of all that God says “I am with you.”
When I was about ten years old, there was a tornado warning, and for whatever reason my parents were not home. My grandmother knowing I was home alone came to our house with a package of those cheap sugar wafer cookies and she sat with me through the storm. She couldn’t protect me from a tornado but it was nice that she was there. What ever may come across that field she and I would be together and every thing was okay.
The tornado never came. That was thirty plus years ago. And now my grandmother is near the end of her life. Her body is failing her. She is facing the end of her earthly existence and I know that God is with her. I know because he has a steady stream of loving family members taking turns sitting with her. The storm is coming but its okay because she’s not alone.
In the Bible Jesus says, “The man who loves his life will lose it, while the man who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life. Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me.”
I pray that we… that I can give of myself in every moment the way she gave of herself for me on that summer afternoon in 1981.
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