Unbelievable, typically the coldest days of the year in West Michigan (the end of January and the beginning of February) and we have a thaw. As the ice and the snow melt and the water makes its way down the hills into the valleys, ravines and ultimately back into Lake Michigan I think how the world God created can teach us lessons. Water is Life. Fresh Water flows through streams, rivers and lakes keeping a balance life and renewal of life. However when water has no outlet and the ground cannot absorb any more the water that is left is either filled with pollutants that it has collected along the journey or it becomes over taken by microbial life. Such Pools are soon depleted of oxygen and become stagnant. We sometimes like pools of water. We like them in big cement containers treated with all sorts of chemicals so that noting can possibly grow in them. I think my kids would often rather swim in a pool rather than a lake, which is a shame living so close to a natural wonder such as Lake Michigan.

In our spiritual life we can also experience stagnation. Good faithful people can feel the toxicity building in their spirit all the while wondering why since, it seems, they are doing everything right. I would propose this as a cause: The blessings of God may be flowing in but if they are not flowing out they are becoming stagnant. Starting with the question “What do the blessings of God do for me?” is the wrong place to start. We are not the end of the road for God's work. When we came to faith in Jesus Christ, the work of redeeming the world did not come to screeching halt. We have been saved by the grace of God through His Son Jesus. Thank you God! However, we have been saved for a purpose. It's not to rest, though we do find rest in God's Spirit; it's not to be glorified, though we do share in Christ's glory. It is to partner with God in the ongoing process of the creation of the world. The blessings that are poured out on us must not rest in us but rather flow through us. The “right” question for our spiritual journey (one of many such questions) is, “How can the blessings of God flow through me in this moment/situation/season/life?”
Think about it. Every spiritual master you can think of has been a servant of the people; a person that gives far more than has ever been received. To you linear thinking, mathematicians out there that are screaming that that is impossible. I say, yeah its impossible without God. But praise God from whom all blessing flow. Praise Him all creatures, here below. Praise him above you heavenly beings. Because this is the life that we have been saved to live. It is not for a few spiritual masters for us to point to and say, “well at least they are doing on our behalf.” No! It is God's will that we all be the conduits of his love, mercy and grace.
See you Sunday.
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