Life is weird. The most mundane things we do, when taken to an extreme, can suddenly seem pretty foreign for example: signing your name is a pretty normal thing. I signed papers to give permission to the public school to talk to my kids about sex education; I sent papers that acknowledge that I have seen my kids report card as well as the disciplinary report from school. Just last week I signed my tax returns which required at least a half-dozen signatures. Permission slips, I sign a ton of those. I sign papers at the Dr.'s office where I believe we should get a punch card so that we can get some sort of prize to fill it up. With six kids there are a lot of trips to the doctor. It seems that somebody is always asking me to sign something.
Conversations. conversations are good, normal and healthy. Communication is vital to relationships and to mutual understanding on multiple levels. I have lots of conversations from discussions on philosophy and theology with my 15-year-old to conversations about an impending BM with my two year old. I have conversations about what is appropriate behavior, conversations about human nature, conversations about the motives of the boy on the bus who won't leave my son alone and whose mother doesn't want my son to sit next to her son. conversations with my wife are generally logistical in nature. i.e. Who will deliver what kid to this or that event? Then at the end of the night we turn the lights off, fall sleep and start again the next day.
Sometimes the "weirdness" of life can be tiring. I find myself stopping and saying to myself, "really? This is really happening?" Then I shake my head in disgust with myself for being surprised by anything anymore.
Occasionally I remember to stop, to pause and take stock to become aware, again, of God's presence. I am rediscovering the wonderful range of emotions and states of being found in the Psalms. in Psalm 46 it says he (God) makes wars cease to the ends of the earth; he breaks the bow and shatters the spear. He burns the shields with fire. be still and know that I am God.
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