Mark 5:21-43
Jesus could feel the power leave him. In terms of electrical power: there was a load put on the system. When an electrical circuit is charged current is always looking for a way to equalize and find ground. When the atmosphere is charged with electrons there is a lightening strike at the quickest rout to the earth. God the father is the very source of power. The Father is the creator and originator of all that is. God speaks and things come into being. The raw, elemental, creative energy of God the Father is the basis for all that we experience with our senses. God the Father is the source of what we experience with our soul and mind.
You all know something about power and power generators around here. You have been living with the pump storage plant for the last 40 years or so. Drawing water out of Lake Michigan at night only to release it during peak power usage times to turn turbines to produce electricity that we all need. And Now here in our neighborhood we are surrounded by these nearly 500 foot tall wind turbines taking the energy of the wind that blows off Lake Michigan and converting it to electricity. The raw energy of flowing water and of blowing wind mediated through a devise to get electrons flowing so that we can have power in our homes and businesses.
Two nights ago a powerful storm rolled through West Virginia and over a half a million people in that state are still without power. One of the people I follow on Twitter is a pastor and she was listing places where people could go for emergency shelter. Another person I follow, from Colorado simply wrote a few days ago, “My state is on fire.” The first person saw the problem and used this social media as a tool to be a hep and a blessing. The second person I haven't heard from since and I am praying for him.
We know Jesus is the Word of God. In the Gospel of John it says, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was fully God. The Word was with God in the beginning. All things were created by him, and apart from him not one thing was created that has been created.
If God the Father is the raw input then Jesus is like the generator. All things were created through the Christ. And now by the power of the Holy Spirit the system is charged. Like an electrical system, the circuit is charge and is looking for ground.
Jesus felt the power leave him and he said, “Who touched me?”
The disciples where, like... “Come on Jesus, we're in a huge crowd. What are you talking about?”
They didn't get it. Jesus knew exactly what he was talking about. The woman who was suffering for so many years; The woman who was an outcast because of her condition; the woman who looked for help from so many different doctors and found none came to the end of her options, heard about this man Jesus and thought, “If only I could just touch his cloths I will be healed.” if only I could experience the presence of God in what ever minute amount I know that it would be enough.
You ever been there? To the end of your rope I mean. You found yourself with no where else to turn and you are out of options. I have. Its not a comfortable place to be. That is until you turn toward God and then its the best place in the world to be.
“Who touched my cloths?” Jesus said as he looked around the crowd that day. In fear the woman who had subversively sought out the blessing of God was now the center of Jesus' attention. And he said to her, “your faith has made you well. Go in peace and be healed of you disease.”
Jesus didn't go out that day seeking her out. Jesus didn't have her on his mind as someone to heal. In fact she received healing without Jesus' explicit consent. The thing is that Jesus wants all to receive healing and the is the conduit of God's love for all of humanity. He did seek her out. He did want her know that it was her faith that made the healing possible.
Scripture tells us and we believe that as Christ's Holy Church we are his body on earth. That we are charged with the task of continuing his earthly ministry of proclaiming that the Kingdom of God has come near and about repentance and forgiveness of sin. We are a like an electrical power grid that has been charged and powered. The raw energy of God the father has been mediated by Jesus and flows through all the earth as the Holy Spirit. We are given the task to take the power of God into the world and offer God's blessing to whom ever would receive it.
You see when Jesus was in the crowd that day and the felt the power leave him. He was on his way to the house of the ruler of the synagogue. His intent was to go and heal the rulers daughter but on the way this woman who touched his clothes were healed. In the midst of this holy distraction someone came with news that the man's daughter died. The ones that brought the news were telling the ruler that he need not bother Jesus anymore. But Jesus, paying no attention to what was said, told the synagogue ruler, “Do not be afraid; just believe.” He did not let anyone follow him except Peter, James and John.
I think this is important. He left behind those who were bringing a message of no hope. They were telling the ruler that his daughter was already dead. That they should leave Jesus alone. When we are surrounded by people who encourage us to give up to have no hope then we need to move on. We need to move forward. Jesus headed to the rulers house. When he got there the house was understandably upset. Jesus said to them that the girl was not dead but asleep. They started making fun of Jesus. So do you remember what Jesus did...again. He left the nay sayers behind. He kicked them all out of the house! The only people that were allowed to stay were mom, dad and Jesus friends. They had no faith and were not helping the situation.
Brothers and sisters if you have people in your life who are telling you to have no hope and are leading you away from faith then you need to move on. Keep on moving forward. Keep on moving toward Jesus.
The people in today's scripture lesson that received healing were the ones who found themselves to be powerless and found restoration in Jesus.
We welcome back the youth and adults that went to Savannah Georgia on the mission trip. As the body of Christ, empowered by the Holy Spirit they were sent bearing God's blessing. They certainly blessed the people of Savannah. The thing is there are people that are receiving God's blessing because of their work that we wont know about until the next life. The powerful and the powerless alike witnessed the love of God in Jesus Christ through their work. I am sure that power flowed from God this past week. The mission team may or may not have noticed but I am sure that Jesus noticed.
Whether we are have earthly power like the ruler of the synagogue or are social outcasts like the woman in the crowd the only path to a spirit filled, power filled, God filled life is through trust in Jesus. Whatever power we think we have generated on this earth is nothing unless we are connected to the power of God through Jesus.
So how is it with you today? Are you starting with Jesus today or are you waiting to get to the end of your rope? Are you relying on your own power or are you filled with the power of the Holy Spirit?
As we celebrate Holy Communion let us understand this as a way of putting further trust in Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit to use us to bless this world.
Would you pray with me?
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