I give thanks to God for the life and the freedom that we
enjoy in this place, may we never take it for granted.
This is Memorial Day weekend. Not to be confused with Veterans Day. Veterans Day honors all who served in the
armed forces, who offered their lives, their service to their country. Memorial Day is a day to honor those whose
lives were lost in service to our country.
John 15:13 says, “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s
Whenever I hear or read of
the actions of those who have received the Congressional Medal of Honor, I hear
things that show the recipient had more regard for the safety and well-being
for others than for themselves even to the point of death. That is extraordinary. We all have a natural instinct to survive. When
that is set aside for love of another, it is something to be honored.
But that is how we find
life. We put our trust in one who gave his life for everybody and we live as he
(The story of my neighbor
Ann and the Brayls)
The unavoidable fact of life is death. Each one of us, in
our time, will face it. It’s all around us. Life moves all too quickly and one
day you realize that these years on this planet are all too short. It is all too easy to fall into the trap of
holding on to life and holding on to temporary things. Things of this world cannot bring happiness
and life. Temporary things can only disappoint.
In This passage of the story of Noah everything on the
earth has died except Noah, his family and all the creatures on the Ark. There
is death all around this is a bleak part of the story.
Again we can too quickly read past passages of scripture
like this and not even notice what is happening. Scripture says everything that was on the
earth died. Perhaps that’s too big to wrap
our minds around. What if it said
everyone in the city died? Or “everyone
you know except those on your boat has died?” Death seems to have victory at
this point. To be in that situation to experience that kind of loss must have
been devastating.
But this is God’s
story. This is a story about how God
saves. God is in control.
The Young Disciples and I talked about lions for a little
bit. Lions are just lions. Lions are
creatures on this planet that have their place.
They are impressive cats. They are dangerous and beautiful. No special
meaning or mention was given to lions being on the ark. The lions that were on
the ark were just lions. But I want to talk about the Lion of the tribe of
Judah, Jesus. He is the one who is with
us. He is the Author of Life who is with us as we find ourselves surrounded by
Judah was one of the sons of Isaac. When Isaac was near death he had his sons
gather around him and he blessed them each.
To his son Judah he said:
your hand will be on the neck of your enemies;
your father’s sons will bow down to you.
9 You are a lion’s cub, Judah;
you return from the prey, my son.
Like a lion he crouches and lies down,
like a lioness—who dares to rouse him?
10 The scepter will not depart from Judah,
nor the ruler’s staff from between his feet,
until he to whom it belongs shall come
and the obedience of the nations shall be his.
11 He will tether his donkey to a vine,
his colt to the choicest branch;
he will wash his garments in wine,
his robes in the blood of grapes.
12 His eyes will be darker than wine,
his teeth whiter than milk.
We believe
this to be prophesying about Jesus.
In Matthew
chapter 1. 14 generations from Abraham to David. 4th in that linage
is Judah.
Then 14
generations to the time of the exile, then 14 generations from the exile to the
Messiah, Jesus.
Many years after Jesus death the apostle John was in exile on
the island of Patmos and had a vision which is recorded as the book of
Revelation in our Bible. Part of that
vision was of what was happening in the heavenly realm.
At once I was in the
Spirit, and there before me was a
throne in heaven with
someone sitting on it. 3 And the one who sat there
had the appearance of jasper and ruby. A rainbow that shone like an emerald encircled the throne. 4 Surrounding
the throne were twenty-four other thrones, and seated on them were twenty-four
elders. They were dressed in white and had crowns of gold on their heads. 5 From the
throne came flashes of lightning, rumblings and peals of thunder. In front of the throne, seven lamps were blazing. These are the seven spirits[a] of God. 6 Also in
front of the throne there was what looked like a sea of glass, clear as crystal.
In the center, around the
throne, were four living creatures, and they were covered with eyes, in front and
in back.7 The first living creature was like a lion, the
second was like an ox, the third had a face like a man, the fourth was like a
flying eagle. 8 Each of the four living
creatures had six
wings and was covered with eyes
all around, even
under its wings. Day and night they
never stop saying:
“‘Holy, holy, holy
is the Lord God Almighty,’
who was, and is, and is to
9 Whenever the living
creatures give glory, honor and thanks to him who sits on the throne and who lives for ever and ever, 10 the
twenty-four elders fall down
before him who sits
on the throne and
worship him who lives for ever and ever. They lay their crowns before the
throne and say:
I wept and wept because no
one was found who was worthy to open the scroll or look inside. Then one
of the elders said to me, “Do not weep! See, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has triumphed. He is able to open the scroll
and its seven seals.”
We could spend years dissecting
the book of Revelation but what I want to point out this morning is that Jesus,
the Lion of the Tribe of Judah is able to do what no one on earth or in heaven
can do. He is the one who has been slain
and he is the one who has triumphed over death.
He is the highest authority. He
is our King.
It is in Jesus Christ that
we find life. Jesus is our ark in the
midst of the flood. Jesus promises
abundant life.
Jesus died for our
sin. In our baptism we share in Christ’s
death so that we can share in his life.
Perhaps the flood is the
baptism of the earth. What was steeped in death is now made new. A new order of
things is established so that we can trust in God. Trusting in God means
letting God save you from the temporary.
The only way to escape the
things that hold you back is to die to them. We have to be spiritually re-born
in Christ and trust in him.
So how is it with you
today? Do you know that you are part of
a bigger story? The temporary things of
this life are not for us to cling to but to used to bless and transform this
world, to be used to point to God.
So I invite you to fully
participate in the life that God gave you.
Celebrate, love each other but don’t hold too tightly to the things of
this world. Cling only to Jesus
Christ. Let the flow through your hands as
blessings to others.
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