A beautiful truth of God is that God will accept you just as
you are right now. Every flaw, every
failure every aspect of your being God will accept and love you
A beautiful truth of God is that God will accept your
neighbor just as they are right now. Even if you don’t like their flaws and
failures. God will love them
unconditionally too.
This month we are talking about stewardship. The most common
thing we have been given stewardship over is money. And Jesus talks a lot about
money and how to approach it, how we are to understand it and our relationship
to it. Money is the example because everyone is affected by it and can relate
to it.
But we are stewards over many other things aren’t we? We are stewards of this building. You are
stewards of your homes. We are stewards
of our nation and of our society. The
decisions we make not only affect our lives but the lives of those that come
after us when we hand the responsibility of stewardship over to them.
My grandparents had a house on Coldwater Lake. It was a simple chalet-style home on two
lakefront lots. They had a garage that grandma kept stocked with popsicles and
ginger ale. They had a buried cooler
that was half full of dirt and as many worms as you would need to go fishing
they had a dock and a boat and even a sauna. That place was magical. I loved my
grandma and grandpa. The food tasted better there. The sun was warmer there.
The grass was greener there (it really was they irrigated their lawn with a
pump from the lake). The pop even tasted
better there. Then when I was 9 they
moved! And don’t you know someone else started living in my grandma and
grandpa’s house? They even made a sign
with their last name and put it on my grandma and grandpa’s house. It wasn’t their house anymore.
They were stewards; good stewards of that property. The deed
of ownership gave them the responsibility of taking care of that piece of God’s
creation. That responsibility was passed
on to someone else. This happens to all
of us who are blessed with the opportunity to be stewards. We are entrusted
with something and eventually the responsibility will pass to someone else.
“No one can serve two
masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be loyal
to the one and have contempt for the other. You cannot serve God and wealth.”
Remember our heart will follow our treasure? Where are we
spending our time, money, and energy? Have you checked? Look at your budget or look at your calendar.
Most of us will find that our hearts and our attention is divided. We have said yes to too many commitments and
are working to pay off a bunch of stuff that doesn’t make us happy.
Jesus says we are to serve only one master.
When our loyalties are divided as they are, serving two,
three, or ten masters we are not living as God intends us to. This may be the
reason why many resent or even hate the things that pull us away from our
intended treasure. We end up hating our job or our boss, because they have
become an unintended master of our lives.
What Good preachers do.
There were two big
news events that stood out this past week. On Monday we heard about the suicide
death of Robin Williams. The other item in the news is the ongoing tension in
Ferguson, MO over the shooting death of Michael Brown a week ago Saturday.
What do these have to do with the Gospel? What do these have
to do with stewardship?
First Robin Williams:
I’m not an expert on suicide and depression, but I know
enough that it’s not a matter of having the right perspective. It’s not a
matter of lifting you self up by you boot straps. Depression is a physiological
disorder that causes feelings of despair.
It’s a disease that needs to be treated.
Next Michael Brown:
I don’t know the facts. I have heard what is reported from
the police and from two witnesses about what happened. But the fact is that an
unarmed, 18-year-old black man is dead. An unarmed, 18-year-old black man is
dead. To his community this is Trevon Martin all over again. To his community
this is their son, their cousin. To
parents of young black men this could have been their son.
What to these have to do with the Gospel? What do these have
to do with stewardship?
Jesus once said “every kingdom divided against itself is
destroyed, and no town or house divided against itself will stand.” Matthew
We want our house to stand! As good stewards it is our
responsibility to make sure that it does. But we have to make doubly sure we
are working with God according to His will.
When there is division there is weakness. When there is a lack of understanding, there
is darkness. Jesus said he came that we
might all be one.
When I see crowds of people defying a curfew because of a
lack of justice, my impulse as a follower of Christ is to stand with them.
Jesus stood against injustice. When I
see someone suffering from depression, my impulse as a follower of Jesus Christ
is to lend my strength. Jesus offered
healing to the sick.
Men often hate each other because
they fear each other; they fear each other because they do not know each other;
they do not know each other because they cannot communicate; they cannot
communicate because they are separated.
Religion deals with both earth and
heaven, both time and eternity. Religion operates not only on the vertical
plane but also on the horizontal. IT seeks not only to integrate men with God
but to integrate men with men and each man with himself…any religion that
professes to be concerned with the souls of men and is not concerned with the
slums that damn them, the economic conditions that strangle them and the social
conditions that cripple them is a dry-as-dust religion –Martin Luther King jr.
What does this have to do with stewardship? If stewardship
is only about raising money for the church then it has nothing to do with
it. But we are more than stewards of our
money. We are stewards of our Church,
our homes of our land, of our government and of our society. What world are we handing to the next generation
if we do nothing about our understanding of serious life threatening mental
illness? What world are we handing on to the next generation if our African
American brothers and sisters live in fear of law enforcement rather than in
partnership? Stewardship demands that
The Christian community do something.
So, how is it with you today?
Jesus has to be Lord.
God doesn’t want shared allegiance. God doesn’t want a piece of your
life. God wants to be everything to you. If you make Jesus Lord and Master, the
other allegiances will find their proper place. You still will have to work and
be committed to other people. Bu you will not have a heart that’s divided.
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