Tuesday, December 27, 2011

So long...for now.

Galatians 2:20 says, "I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me."

My Grandmother Gladys Brown died a week ago Monday.  She is an extraordinary child of God.  You may view her obituary here. http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/themorningsun/obituary.aspx?n=gladys-l-brown&pid=155128523&fhid=2672

Over the past week there has been a cloud of sadness hovering over me.  I thought  "my gosh, am I depressed?  Do I need to see a doctor?  Perhaps...but not about this.  I am full on in the process of grieving the loss of my grandmother.  But while I am sad beyond any control.  I am also confident that I will see her again.  The only life worth having, as the Apostle Paul describes in the passage above is the one that we have in Jesus Christ.  My grandma has that.  I have that.   Notice the present tense.  The life of those we lose in this earthly existence does not end if they are "in Christ."  This is a mystery and a mystical truth that when give ourselves over to the Lordship of Jesus that his life, the life that never ends, resides in us.  
We all share the same life if we are in Christ.  The actions of my grandma in life are just as much a part of the story of my life as mine are.  Its just that her part of the story began 50 years before mine did.  

Just the same when I go to the funeral tomorrow, I know the pain and the sting of loss will be intense.  We will share memories.  We will be together as a family.  And what a family it is.  My grandmother raised 5 head-strong children, who all found partners who are all just as bold and intelligent.  This is the environment in which I grew up.  This is my family.  We are all part of the same story, we are just telling it  from different perspectives.  One day we will all be reunited.  for me and grandma it may be another 50 years, but I can wait.  

Love you grandma.  So long...for now. 

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