Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Team Unity

This is where we gather as a "team"; as
the body of Christ; as the church.

The Giants and the Patriots Who to root for? A couple good East Coast teams. People can criticize professional sports for the outrageous salaries, but we eat it up, we love it.
I come from a small town where the center of life is the church and football in that order except in the fall when it is football and the church. Of course playing football was not a requirement, but it was just assumed that every male would indeed be on the team. Had I gone to a larger school where you actually had to try out for the team I would very likely not have made the team. But I did make the team just by virtue of my willingness to get beaten by my classmates. During the end of the year banquet my junior year, the coach was going over the season and saying good things about each player, how fast they were or how agile they were, the thing they said about me was this: "He may not have a lot of natural talent, he may not be very fast but, he can sure take a hit." I had to be able to take a hit when the defense was practicing I was the one carrying the ball; I was the one that was the tackling dummy. And that year our defense was rated the best in the state. One week we were playing our biggest rival Sacred Heart Academy. We were beating them pretty bad so I got to get in the game. They put me in on defense. Safety. It was the end of the fourth quarter and we were shutting them out. All I had to do is not let any one get behind me and we would beat our biggest rival without allowing a single point. As the clock ticked down. It happened the receiver ran right past me and caught the ball in the end zone ruining our shut out. And it was my fault. The team won the game, but I failed in my part. I was fortunate to be part of such a strong team. That season I rode on coat tails of those much more talented than I and I got all the praise due a much more talented athlete than I. But I knew that my contribution was much different than those who did the really heavy work. I don’t mean to diminish my contribution just as I don’t want to elevate it. I was a part of the team and I worked just as hard as any one. In the Bible
Jesus was teaching the crowds. They were hungry to hear the word of God and they were pressing in on him. He needed a way of reaching more people. So he looked around and saw these two boats. The fishermen had been out all night and apparently it wasn’t such a productive night. They were cleaning their nets so they could go back out that night. Jesus used on of the boats to teach from. But Jesus, with his mind always on the bigger picture, always looking to the eternal while teaching and living in the present moment, sees this as an opportunity to make an impact on Simon Peter that would be felt through the ages. I am sure Simon Peter was just waiting for Jesus to be done teaching so that he could bring his boat back ashore and finish his work, but Jesus told him to go out in to deeper water. If I were Simon in this situation I probably would feel a little irritated. I had been working all night; Jesus wants to use my boat to teach from, fine. Now He wants to go for a boat ride, come on I’m busy, I'm tired, I have things to do, and my body aches. How much more does he expect from me! But he does it. And Jesus says let your nets down for a catch. Now he’s telling me how to do my job! Simone answered, probably while gritting his teeth, “Master, we have worked all night long but have caught nothing. Yet if you say so, I will let down the nets.” I think Jesus is really pushing Simon Peters buttons. He is really pushing him outside of his comfort zone. And while all this was going on inside of Simon Peter Jesus reveals something wonderful. He shows Peter what is possible. The text says that when they had done this, (let down the nets) they caught so many fish that their nets were beginning to break. Now I don’t know if there were workers in the boat with Simon Peter and Jesus, the text doesn’t say. But if it is just Jesus and Simon Peter in the boat, then look at what the text says. It says when they had done this, (let down the nets) they caught so many fish that their nets were beginning to break. If it were just Jesus and Simon Peter that means that Jesus was right there trying to haul in fish with peter. Working side by side to get the job done. And they couldn’t get the job done by them selves so they signaled for help. So James and John came and helped land the biggest catch of fish of their lives.
That is the way it should be on a team. That is the way it should be in a church. There are those churches that have memberships in the thousands. And I don’t want any one to ever think that I am critical of those churches because they do a lot of good. They have resources to do ministry on a level that we small churches could never do. But in those large churches, it is so much easier for an individual to attend for years and years and never do a thing to contribute to the ministries of that church and no one may ever notice. A person in a large membership church can be as anonymous as they want. The church works like a small team. When one member puts forth an extra effort it makes a difference in the life of the church. When someone that doesn’t usually get involved puts forth an extra effort it really makes a difference in the life of the church. Jesus said that from now on you will be fishers of men. From the time that you trust in Jesus as you Lord and make the decision to follow him. He intends for you to bring others to him. This is the team; Are you doing all you can to make disciples? We aren’t a big church, need unity.  Working together is essential. When 10 people in a big church do nothing, it goes unnoticed. When 10 people do nothing here we become ineffective. From now on you will be fishers of men. In the gospel lesson today James and John were on the shore while Simon Peter was out in the boat with Jesus. Who was catching fish? Simon. Who made it possible? Jesus? Where were the fish being caught? Out where the fish live. And with Jesus right there by their side sleeves rolled up doing the work that needs to be done, the catch was bigger than they could ever imagine. Even though Simon Peter may not have wanted to go back out fishing, he was submissive to the will of god and he was blessed by it. He spent all night failing at what he was supposed to be good at.
It doesn’t matter how good you are at something, what matters is that you are willing to work hard at what ever you do and always, always put god first.

Oh yeah...Go Giants!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Think, Say, Do

Mark 1:21-28

There are people all around the world doing what we are doing today...worshiping God. Some started earlier because the the day starts earlier some are still sleeping and will wake later to give praise to God and to serve God. Some will go to a house of worship, some will gather in house churches, others will gather as families around a dinner table and simply give God thanks. Some worshipers of God know very little of God's love, while others live knowing the very “height of God.” We all come as broken and imperfect vessels of God's presence, in need of healing.

God is going to heal you but it wont be easy. So don't distract God or yourself from the healing that is about to take place.

What is healing? Healing is your brokenness being mended so that you become whole again. Ultimately the brokenness we suffer from is our broken relationship with God. This brokenness has been addressed by God condescending; by becoming one of us, so that we can unite with Him in Jesus Christ, so that relationship can be restored and we can begin again living the abundant life that he intends for us.
I have a friend that is in a lot of physical pain on a daily basis. She has difficulty seeing the abundance that life has to offer her because she suffers greatly. We pray almost daily together for her physical healing. We call on God to repair her body so that she can focus on her love for Him and for her neighbors. It is a frustrating process at times because we would like for the pain to be gone now and forever. Its frustrating because the pain does not go away for long. However, in the process, of working toward a solution to her pain we have been working on the brokenness in our spirits. We draw nearer to God to find strength. We focus on the will of God to find the encouragement to keep on going. We call on God to open our eyes and to put us in a place where we can see clearly the path that we should go.
Day after day, the struggle to mend the brokenness goes on. The brokenness of her body may not be fully resolved until she enters into the next life but the brokenness of the human condition will certainly be resolved by the grace of Jesus Christ in her life.
Perhaps you are one of those that think you don't need healing.  Imagine that unity with Jesus, a complete realization of Paul's statement in his letter to the church in Galatia when he says “It is no longer I who live, but it is Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.”
It is no longer I who live...but it is Christ who lives in me. Imagine living that way all the time. Imagine that in all circumstances it is the will of God that guides and directs all of your actions through the Power of the Holy Spirit because you have been united to God through the atoning grace of Jesus Christ. Imagine that life as the tip-top of the mountain. If that is the top of the mountain and belief in Jesus is the base of the mountain, Where are you on the climb to the top? You don't have to make the climb, you know.  Perhaps you are comfortable at the base of the mountain.  Scripture says that you need only believe in the Son of God, Jesus Christ as your Lord and profess this to others to enter into eternal life. When you stop your spiritual growth there, however, its like sitting at the base of the mountain. If the tip top is complete unity with God, life at the base is like this: I can see the top of the mountain (on clear days). On the not-so-clear days I still have faith that the top of the mountain is still there. When travelers come I am happy to point their attention t the top of the mountain.
Some hear the about this life with God. A life where there is forgiveness and freedom and love and they get really excited about it. And they sprint toward the mountain, but soon they get tired and discouraged because the way is not easy. So many many people find themselves at the base of the mountain, but there is more to this relationship with Christ than a distant hope.  There is healing for today!

In the Gospel lesson today Jesus went into the synagogue to teach. And the people were astounded because this wasn't the usual stuff they heard when they went to the synagogue. Usually someone would get up and as accurately as possible they would give a lesson or a teaching on a particular part of Holy Scripture that some past teacher gave. But Jesus came in and didn't cite any past teachers he was teaching them by his own authority. He start telling them about the kingdom of heaven and about repentance and forgiveness and about the love of God.
This is something different. Folks may have expected to get in their usual “hamster wheel” routine but Jesus shook all that up!
No sleepin' in church that day!
The thing is... when you stir things up and when you wake people up they start paying attention. It was then that a man with an unclean spirit interrupted Jesus. I imagine the folk in the synagogue were really getting into what Jesus was saying. You know when someone is really hitting the nail on the head; when someone his speaking the truth, it's hard to get enough of it. But the man with the unclean spirit interrupts Jesus; tries to put the breaks on what it happening there.
And Jesus says, “Shut your mouth!” well scripture says “Be Silent”

You see Jesus immediately recognized the enemy in his midst. the enemies of God will show them selves when you start speaking His truths. When you proclaim that the kingdom of haven is near, when you talk about repentance and forgiveness. The enemy will show himself. When you talk about loving God and your neighbor. The enemy will show himself.

You know what really upsets the enemies of God? When you actually repent and and when you forgive; When you actually show love to God and demonstrate the love of God to your neighbor. When you heal wounds. When you unite with others rather than create more divisions. 
The benefits of education can only be reaped if
we are willing to go through the struggle to to get
our kids off to school. 
 The enemy put a stop to the good thing that was happening that day in the synagogue. The enemy even recognized Jesus as the Holy one of God. Jesus wasn't having any of it from him though. “come out of him” was the second part of Jesus command. “And the unclean spirit, convulsing him and crying with a loud voice, came out of him.” That man experienced healing that day. He didn't even know he was sick. He didn't even know he had a problem. He got up that morning was going to synagogue as usual. He went home a new man.
It wasn't an easy process. The unclean spirit convulsed him and made a loud cry before it came out. The spiritual life, the journey to the mountain top is not an easy one. It takes struggle. It takes effort. It takes a willingness to admit that we all need to be healed. It takes earnestly going to God in confession for all of our weaknesses, failures and apathy.
So how is it with you today?

Are you gong to struggle to reach God or are you gong to stay distant and distracted? Are you going to talk about the mountain top or are you going to climb the mountain?

Would you Pray with me?

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Old Bikes and Windmills

A bicycle outside a church. What's the big deal? It's not hurting anyone. It's not in the best shape, but it seems operational. Yet no one claims it. It appeared last summer. One day it was just there, behind the church. Some of the church members just assumed that it belonged to one of my kids. A reasonable assumption but no, it belongs to none of my children. We left the bike near where it was in the hope that the owner would return and take it with them. It's been six months now and it remains.
Perhaps it is a stolen bike who's thief had a battle with his or her conscience and decided to rid themselves of the guilt of their crime by “donating” it to a church. Just speculation. But what to do with a bike that no one wants? There is always the junk heap. That seems wasteful. There is the possibility of giving it to somebody that needs it.
Anybody want a less than perfect bike?

Its in the low 20's today. It's cold, but the wind is not blowing to much so it seems relatively pleasant. There is lots of action up and down our road lately with the construction of the wind turbines under way. This is a community divided over this issue. It is an argument that had its genesis several years before my presence as a pastor ihere. I am not sure just how God will heal the wounds to the sense of community that this area has been know for. I do know that it has to start with forgiveness. So I pray that all who have been hurt; all who have been offended and all who hold on to anger that they would offer such forgiveness. And for everybody I pray for the serenity to accept the things they cannot change; courage to change the things they can and should; and the wisdom to know the difference.    

Sunday, January 22, 2012

It's personal

The ever-changing view from the window of my study.

 Jesus says “come follow me.” and he's talkin' about you! It's not the “you” as in “you-all” in a general sense, but you personally. You, Bev; You, Jay; You Barbie...  Jesus is calling you, all of you,  in your strength and in your weakness. God is calling you to use what He gave you to strengthen his people and to do his will.
I thank God for the blessings of this life. I thank God that despite may failures and my weakness that He still loves me. I thank God that, for Him It's personal. He loves us as his own children.
With six kids in the house I have the privilege and the blessing to see a wide range of potential. Not so much differences in ability but differences in what is possible and what coming into being. Our littlest one has the world open to him. Anything is possible. Life can take so many different routs and I so look forward to teaching and guiding him in his way. Then there is my oldest who has shown some pretty strong interests and strengths in particular areas. H is beginning to talk about college. Possibilities still remain endless but what was abstract, is now becoming a vision for the future. It is a very exciting process to watch unfold.
We all know that along the path of life there will be bumps. Some much bigger than others. In fact I have thought for a long time that if we knew all the pain that lay in front of us in life we wouldn't want to get out of bed. But we do get up...every day. We get up and keep breathing as long as we are able and we get through. I know some of you are suffering today. I know that there are hurts that you carry with you every day. I know that some of you are consumed with fear. I know that some have so much physical pain that you can think of little else. But you got up today. And you are breathing. Maybe today will be better than yesterday. Perhaps today you will be able to use some of the gifts God has given you to make this world a better place. Perhaps you will be able to use some of the gifts God gave you to make it though the day.
In the Gospel lesson today Jesus was walking along the sea of Galilee. He called two sets of brothers to follow him, to be his disciples. The first set: Simon and Andrew were casting a net into the sea..they were fishing. The second set James and John were mending nets. Both sets of brothers were fishermen working there trade when Jesus called them and they left their nets and followed him. I have always wondered about this. Was it Jesus' powerful presence that convinced these guys to leave the family business, to leave their livelihood to follow him? It's not like we are given any idea that Jesus had a really great case for following him, at least none that is recorded. I sometimes wonder if these brothers already knew Jesus. I mean Nazareth isn't that far from the sea of Galilee. Perhaps they knew Jesus already and were prepared to follow him when the time was right.
At Jesus baptism by his cousin John the voice of God came affirmed that Jesus was the beloved son. The Spirit of God descended on Jesus that day and rested on Him. The time was right!
Simon and Andrew were in the middle of their work when Jesus called. They could have said that they needed to wait until the fishing season was over. Or when they built up enough wealth so that they could afford to follow Jesus. They had work to do! They were busy! They were still strong, things were going well. Why stop now to follow Jesus? Because the time was right.
James and John were mending their nets. They could have said that they needed to wait until fish9ing season was over. Besides they had problems of their own. Their nets needed their attention. They had problems that they needed to deal with. They had work to do! They were busy. Things were falling apart right now and in to much chaos. Why stop now to follow Jesus? Because the time was right!
This gathering, this body of believers at St. Paul is not as strong as it could be. This church has plenty of unmet potential. There is the whole range of disciples in this place from those just exploring what it means to be a child of God to those of you who are quite clear about what God has called you to do and to be in this life. God has a purpose for this gathering of his children. As we build each other up and lend our gifts to each other God will continue to use this place as where his love is demonstrated. Some of you may be in the middle of casting nets; Others may be mending theirs. You may be strong, and busy and successful or you may be hurting, wounded, and holding back for a time. The fact of the matter is. We are all a little of both. We all have wounds. Think about it, what repairs do you need to make to your net today? What damage has been done in your life, whether is by your actions or by someone else? Those gaping holes in your net may be letting a lot of fish through, they may seem overwhelming but the time is right to follow Jesus. Not because our lives are at a place where it is convenient for us, but because the time is right for Jesus.
He said, “The time is fulfilled, the kingdom of God is come near. Repent of your sins and believe the Good news.” He is calling you to live into the life that he has called you to. The time has come! There is no need to wait for something to happen. There is no “moment” when the time will be right.
Jesus doesn't change our gifts he develops the gifts he has already given us. He doesn't change who we are, he awakens the person we were created to be.

If you wondering what it is that you are created to be what you need is a different focus.
We are exactly the way we are supposed to be the question is... Have we let the distractions take the place of our purpose? Some times the means to get to the end seem like ends themselves. Have you let economic prosperity and security be the goal when it is but one means to freedom from worry so that we can devote more attention to God? Have you focused so much on repairing you nets, repairing the damage and hurt done that you have forgotten that healing comes from God so that you can love God and you neighbors. You can love God and neighbor with out any prosperity or healing. Loving God and neighbor is the destination. This is the true task that God is calling us to. The other things are gifts from God to use as tools along the way.
Simon, Andrew, James and John followed Jesus because the time was right and Jesus called them personally.
This now drift made by swirling wind reminds me of
soft-serve ice cream.  
These disciples followed Jesus for 3 years they were “rock solid.” They left their work and followed Jesus to the end. Well, there may have been a few hick-ups and a slip now and again along the way. But Jesus didn't call them in their perfection and he doesn't call us in ours. He calls us in our strength and in our weakness. He calls us in our labor and in our rest. Jesus calls us by name to follow him.
So how is it with you today? You may be casting you net, or you may be mending it. Whatever the case may be, the time is right, right now, to follow Jesus.
Would you pray with me?   

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


A full dinner table, and I don't mean
the Mac-n-cheese.  

We are one week into the new configuration of our new family. We are now eight instead of seven. This is good on a practical level because food manufacturers package items in multiples of four. Eight is a good solid number. The kids can pair off; there never has to be the “odd man out.”
Little Eli has adapted to our rhythm of life marvelously. He is already calling my wife “mama,” He and my next youngest son have a thing they do: They both say, “bu bu bu” and giggle at each other. Eli, as expected, is the center of our family universe. We are discovering with delight his likes, dislikes, idiosyncrasies and similarities to his biological siblings. He is fiercely independent at times and at other times I am forced to get used to the utter dependance that a nearly-two-year-old has on his parents. What a delight it has been so far.
A friend recently remarked that God has asked an awful lot of us. Referring to the fact that we have now have taken in a fourth child to our home after having two the traditional way. I don't feel like I am burdened or that I am doing God a favor. I think that these kids are in my life because they are supposed to be. They teach me to be patient. They teach me humility, kindness, and occasionally crisis management skills. Above all, however, my kids bring love into my life and I think that God is really after here...more love. It makes sense to me even if it seems crazy, or a burden, or like an example of the breakdown of society to others.   

Sunday, January 15, 2012


John 1:43-51
1 Samuel 3:1-10, 19-20
We're going on a journey. We're goin' on a journey and its a long journey. In fact we only have a vague idea of the destination. We know that the way will often times be difficult; we know that there will be challenges and obstacles to overcome. Along the way we may get lost, lose our bearings or even forget that we are even on a journey. But if we can remember who we are and whose we are, the journey can be beautiful one. If we remember who we are and whose we are nothing will dissuade us or separate us from our purpose. We are children of God and we belong to Jesus The Messiah!
The family and I are going on a vacation in couple of weeks. My wife has convinced her sea sickness-prone husband to get on a boat for 5 days. This trip is filled with a lot of firsts. First flights for many of my kids, which is causing some worry and stress. First time out of the country for some. And it's a first family vacation for my family as it is now configured. Never before this week have we been a family of eight. Never in my life would I have guessed that I would be a father of six. But that's part of the story of my journey.
Many of you have met the newest addition to our family. His name is Eli. Eli has been on quite a journey. Born under difficult circumstances. Taken into foster care, then a year and a half later sent on an airplane across the country with a person he has only met once before and lives with brothers and sisters who were, until this past Thursday, complete strangers. He is receiving unconditional love and acceptance in this strange frozen land, while learning a new life. He has a lot going for him, but that doesn't mean that its easy for him. Eli's life journey is his own; his story reads like none other. I can never know exactly what he is dealing with but I can, we all can, be companions to him in his life's journey. That's what we all are to each other. Companions on the way.
We have to consider what this life is all about. What is this journey that we are all on? What will give all of this meaning? All of this pain and difficulty that we endure: What's it all for? There are two perspectives.
Either we are all following our own path to our own destination and we take Jesus along for the ride to smooth out the rough spots or we are following Jesus to a destination of his choosing we trust that we will make it through to something better so come what may! I prefer to think that it's the second one but I am sure that there are folk sitting here today with either perspective.
When we only take Jesus along for the ride, when we make Jesus the companion to our journey then we spend time trying to find ways to make Jesus “relevant” in any given situation. If we try to adjust the good news about Jesus to fit our world; to fit our lifestyle, it may seem to work for us in the short term. We can talk about forgiveness and unconditional love and it feels great. The self-affirmation that comes can be comforting, unfortunately it doesn't last very long. How is your spiritual life? Is it marked with a lot of ups and downs. You feel strong in the faith at times and at others you waver? Perhaps it's a matter of the way in which you view Jesus. Is Jesus the Lord of your life or is he a companion? When Jesus is just the companion on our Journey we are actually denying the Lordship of Jesus. If Jesus is Lord then there must be submission to his will. If we are trying to make the christian message submit to our will then there is a disconnect between us and the Living God. If we dictate our own life story and ask God to bless it then there is no communication between us and God. It is as if a child writes a list of demands, posts it on the refrigerator and is disappointed when his parents don't comply.
Ana and Eli
Imagine what your prayer life would be if it were like a kid putting up list on the refrigerator door.

“you know, I put up my list but my parents didn't respond...I am really questioning the existence of parents right now.”
“you know I put my list on the fridge and some of the things happened other things did not. I figure if I just need to wait and be patient and my parents will give me what I want.”

Or the theological apologist:
“You know sometimes when you put a list of demands on the fridge for your parents, sometimes the answer is yes, sometimes it wait, and sometimes it's 'I have something better in mind.'”

wouldn't it be better if the children would go directly to the parent and talk? Wouldn't it be better for the child to listen to the words of the parent?
In the Hebrew Scriptures Samuel life was dedicated to serving God, but he had not yet been taught to listen for the voice of God. Three times God called out to Samuel. At first he went to the Eli the temple priest, his foster parent, thinking it was he that was calling him. It was God. Eli wisely advised young Samuel to respond by listening. Listening for the voice of God is the beginning of following God as the lord of your life rather than keeping God in you pocket only to pull him out when you need him. We are children of God and we belong to Jesus The Messiah!
In the Gospel lesson Jesus decided to make the long journey to Galilee. He asked Philip to follow him. Isn't that strange? He didn't invite him to accompany him or to split the cost of gas so-to-speak, he said follow me. Jesus only invites us to follow him. Philip gets it right away and he goes out and finds Nathaniel. He tells Nathaniel that he has found the Messiah. Nathaniel is skeptical; he's honest with his feelings. Can anything good come from Nazareth? I get that. None of want to be mislead. If someone came and said they found Jesus, he is here in town, its a guy from Baldwin...How excited would you be to follow your friend to meet some guy from the next town over who claims to be the savior of the world. But Phillip's answer is the best. “come and see.”
Now that's the invitation. “Come and see” says that its not about you or the person you are inviting, its about Jesus and who He is. It is about opening the way for someone to discover Jesus for themselves. Do you have a desire to tell others “come and see?” I don't mean, come and see what we are doing here at St. Paul with all of our wonderful outreach and mission work; I don't mean come and see the service of worship where God is truly praised. Do you have the desire to say “come and see” in reference to what life is like when we give it over to God? Have you found a relationship with God that is worth telling your friends about?
How is it with you today on your long journey of faith? Jesus calls us to follow him. Jesus calls us to a life of faith and trust in him. What will your response be?

Would you pray with me?

Friday, January 13, 2012


 Today the world makes a little more sense than it did yesterday.  Wounds are healing.  Relationships are being restored.  We have been on a 19 month journey that was largely characterized by struggle and dissapointment.  We were contacted in June of 2010 and asked if we would take in an infant who was the biological sybling of the three children that we had adopted in 2008.  We originally thought of adopting only one child.  We thought that we would take two if there was a sibling set that needed to stay together.  We were put to the test when we were presented with three, a girl and two little boys.  We said yes to them, so how could we say no to this little boy who needs his family.  So we said yes with the expectation that he would be with us within weeks, if not days.  Weeks and weeks passed.  we started measuring time in seasons.  "Maybe he will be with us for Thanksgiving...Chirstmas...Easter.  Certainly he will be with us by the one-year mark of them contacting us about him.  It was not to be.  We jumped through every regulatory hoop, met every requirement, took the necessary training and still he was not with us...Unitl today.
Diane in an Arizona government office ready to
Take Mr. Man home

A ride to the airport begins the next chapter of
our life

Eli arrived Home about 3 am after several hours of travel
capped off with a drive through a hefty snow storm
Together at last

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Big Day

It has been a big day for us. Last night with found out that the judge granted us physical custody of Eli. today we got an e-mail from Eli's attorney saying that we would likely be able to go out and bring him back home this weekend Thursday or Friday even.
We've set up the crib we got a car seat we have everything but clothes and diapers and we can buy those things though so I think we're ready for him.
He will be my sixth child and my fourth son. I can't wait to meet him.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Order out of Chaos

Mark 1:4-11

Me collecting water for Holy Baptism from the Pere Marquette River

Have you experienced the presence of God this week? Its a powerful thing to experience. To know; to have a personal experience of the divine is a gift from God. Its a gift that cannot be earned. It just happens. I suspect that it happens more often than we realize. I think that we aren't paying enough attention to the happenings in the world right round us. Because God is in it all. God is blessing us constantly with His presence. If you have faith in God, if you trust in God, then your eyes are the aperture through which God see the world. Your loving hand is the hand that God used to comfort your neighbor. The food you brought in from your pantry to feed the hungry is the manna from heaven. And the ground on which you walk is holy because God is present inside you.
12 years ago I opened myself to be used by God and God let me know that he would indeed use me. So I became a pastor.

A simple “yes” to God can change things. It's not about understanding, its about trusting. We as creatures of the earth are filled with fear. Fear of losing what we have, whether its losing our security, losing those that we love or losing our lives. But Jesus said, “Those who love their life in this world will lose it. Those who care nothing for their life in this world will keep it for eternity.” Jesus wasn't talking about being careless with life. He was talking about not having undue attachment to temporary things. When you say, “yes” to God, God will bless even this temporary life and guide you into eternal life.

In Baptism we say, “yes” to God. Our scripture lesson today is about Jesus' baptism. We don't know much about Jesus' years growing up and young adulthood. There are about 18 years of his life that the scriptures are silent abut from about age 12 to age 30. This story is the end of that silent period. Jesus went to his cousin John who lived the life of an ascetic. John purpose was to prepare the people for the Holy One of God. And Jesus was that “One.” Jesus, for whatever reason, chose this moment to say “yes” to the mission that he came to accomplish. And when the baptism was complete there was confirmation by the Heavenly Father. The voice that said “You are my beloved son, with you I am well pleased.”

Don't you know that we are all Gods sons and daughters? Jesus was the first. He lived, died and was resurrected at a particular place in a particular time. I've seen pictures, perhaps some of you have gone personally to the place that is believed to be the place where Jesus was baptized. There are hand rails. And walking paths. It used to be in the wilderness but now it it has been tamed. It was out where there was chaos, but now there is order. People make pilgrimages to go to that spot. Tourists, I imagine regularly make visits to that spot because it is indeed a special spot. It is a spot where we can say God did something. God intervened. God got involved. Because of all this we call that spot and others like it Holy sites. And since that is the place where Jesus lived that land is called the Holy Land. But let me tell you something,

This very place is the Holy Land. This very hill at the corner of Kinney and Morton is the Holy Mountain. The Holy River that sustains this land is the Pere Marquette River. This is the Temple of God. God is eternal. Time and space cease to matter when the grace of God comes down and touches us. God who is eternal is in this place and this is the only place in the world for this moment. In the presence of the eternal god we are not merely in a brick building at the corner of Morton and Kinney but we are present in the heavenly court of God.
Not reasonable?
God is not limited by space and time. For a while God took on human flesh in the form of Jesus Christ. He came to offer salvation, to show us “The Way.” God's grace and glory fills the earth. The Glory of God is in this place.
Name and claim the place we are in for God.

God lives in us and has called us to go into the world. God has claimed us as his own.
God is in the place where we experience Him. This water (Jar in my hand) was taken from the water of our “Holy River” the Pere Marquette. We find God where we are. We worship God where we are. Jesus presence on earth was first revealed in a far off land, however through the Holy spirit living in us Jesus presence sets apart any place where his Name is proclaimed.
We join with Jesus so that we can be claimed by the father. We need not be ashamed about who we are and what we do here. Not only do we need not be ashamed but we need to proclaim it. Not only do we need to proclaim it, we need to proclaim it with boldness. And not only a bold proclamation that we belong to God; Not only a bold proclamation that we love and worship God; Not only a bold proclamation that we are ever seeking a deeper relationship and understanding of God but take owner ship of that membership in the family of God. With all your thoughts words and deeds as much as humanly possible say, “this is a life dedicated to God.” We say,
“My house, will be a house dedicated to God.” This Church is not only our gathering place but it is for us The Holy Temple of God. This land is indeed the Holy Land.

In Baptism we say, “Yes” to God. In baptism we experience a second birth a spiritual birth.

Chaos is the unordered world around us God is the order. God provides the purpose and direction. With out God there is only chaos.
The Water of baptism both the represents the chaos and the grace or the love of God. We willingly step into the waters of baptism so that we an trust the order the love and the grace of God through Jesus Christ.

“When nothing existed but chaos, God swept across the dark waters and brought forth light. In the days of Noah God saved those on the ark through water. After the flood God set in the clouds a rainbow.”

Jesus, like each one of us, were nurtured in the waters of the womb of our mothers. God gave us form. Put in us gifts, skills, talents that He intended for us to use to make this world a better place.

God brings us through the waters of chaos into a better place.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Calm Introspection

The first winter storm of the season has now come and gone and now there is a calm in the cold frozen “ness” of these early January days in West Michigan. While the kids are perfectly willing to put on their winter gear and head out on some expedition into the wilds of their imagination. I am more content to stay indoors where there is ample heat and spectacular view of a now dormant cherry orchard. In my life's quest to seek an ever deeper relationship with God, I find times like these to be a blessing. It is easier to be contemplative. It's easier to slow down and take stock. Times like these are a necessary part of the spiritual journey and spiritual growth. The times of retreat, such as these, are only helpful if they are divided by times of action and of pushing beyond what is known and comfortable. This certainly can and does mean things like practicing radical hospitality and demonstrating unconditional love. Also, it can and does mean finding God in places you wouldn't expect or even begin to look. Like the mundane tasks that we find ourselves doing day to day without the slightest bit of mindfulness.
In The Practice of the Presence of God by Brother Lawrence (a monk who lived nearly 300 years ago) it says, “that he (Brother Lawrence) was always guided by love. He was never influenced by any other interest, including whether or not he was saved. He was content doing the smallest chore if he could do it purely for the love of God...He believed that God is much greater than any of the simple gifts He gives us. Rather than desiring them from Him, he chose to look beyond the gifts, hoping to learn more about God Himself. Sometimes he even wished that he could avoid receiving his reward so that he would have the pleasure of doing something solely for God.”
I have discovered, or rather, rediscovered for myself, this truth recently. When you open yourself to the presence of God in every moment even an evening of doing dishes can be a holy and blessed event. Now I can already hear the jokes, “You can come over to my house and have a holy and blessed event doing my dishes.” I, However, would not want to deprive any of you of your own time with God, so do your own dishes.
One great example of this kind of living is in a blog by an old friend of mine. She, her husband and two children are Americans living in Palestine. Her blog is titled Piles of Laundry in the Holy Land it can be found at www.imsufyan.com . In it she describes life in Ramallah, Palestine from a decidedly non-political perspective. She describes the struggles that many of us deal with or have dealt with as parents, additionally she gives a picture of what it is like to live in an environment where there is hostility and oppression like nothing we have ever experienced in the United States. With excursions to Holy sites and pictures of daily life in Palestine all while teaching yoga and being a wife and mom, and it makes for a very interesting read as well as an encouragement to find meaning in difficult circumstances.
So how do you find the Holy in the mundane? How do you seek the “beyond” that is in our midst. For me every Friday and Monday after dinner I close the kitchen door, turn on my iPod, which has about an hours worth of music on it and I get to work on the dishes and kitchen cleaning. Diane and the kids come and go and talk with me while I wash, dry, organize, sweep all while I am praising God and thanking him for His presence, for the family He has blessed me with, and for the life He has called me to. I wouldn't change a bit of it.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

The Intervention

Matthew 2:1-12

There's in intervention going on! And I'm not talking about a long discussion about the way you may have celebrated the New Year last night. I'm talking about the way God interacts with God's own creation.

Its different than the way we intervene in the affairs of the world. Most of the time when humans act it is out of a motivation for self preservation or selfish gain. God, it seems, intervenes out of love. God gets involved when God's purposes need to be realized. And God's purpose for us is to have life and to have it in abundance.

But in our short sighted way we often opt for temporary pleasure. We look for the quick fix rather than seeking out the will and the way of God.

In our Text today men from the East came seeking the one born to be king. They were watching and waiting for a sign, for an act of God and they saw one. They saw something that the writer of the Gospel describes as a star, and they followed it. They set out from Persia, and found themselves in Bethlehem, because of a sign they were sure would lead them to a special baby.

It's a beautiful story. It points to the divinity of Jesus; it points to the universal call to all people to the Lordship of Jesus. This story says to me that if we look for God's action in the world we will find it. Or more so: if we want to experience the presence of God we have to do something about it.

The Wise Men from the east saw a sign and set out to meet the very special baby and they were witness to the greatest intervention by God in human history. They brought gifts of Frankincense, gold and myrrh. But what a gift they received!
They went back to their home country by a different rout out of fear for Herod but they did go back. And when they got back don't you suppose life is different. As they have spent a lifetime seeking truth and were gifted with such and awesome experience I figure that they would have a new frame for their future explorations of truth.
I imagine the philosophical discussions thereafter often referred back to that special baby. Theories about God and what God does always have as a starting point what they experienced when they followed the star and found the baby.

Life is different when you experience Jesus. Life is different because God intervenes.

God doesn't just call us to belief and abundant life then is done with us. If we listen. If we search. If we ask; God will call us to a task or to his service. God is intervening in the affairs of humans on a daily basis, through those who have watched and listened and have responded to His call.

(Introduction of Mission Volunteer Deb Moore Deb Moore)

Happy New year my friends.  May the coming year be filled
with love and all the blessings of God.  

The culmination of the Ludington, MI ball drop.  The lights on
the ball didn't work.  Oh well, the count down with several
thousand people was fun.  The fireworks were impressive.