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The ever-changing view from the window of my study. |
Jesus says “come follow me.” and he's talkin' about you! It's not the “you” as in “you-all” in a general sense, but you personally. You, Bev; You, Jay; You Barbie... Jesus is calling you, all of you, in your strength and in your weakness. God is calling you to use what He gave you to strengthen his people and to do his will.
I thank God for the blessings of this life. I thank God that despite may failures and my weakness that He still loves me. I thank God that, for Him It's personal. He loves us as his own children.
With six kids in the house I have the privilege and the blessing to see a wide range of potential. Not so much differences in ability but differences in what is possible and what coming into being. Our littlest one has the world open to him. Anything is possible. Life can take so many different routs and I so look forward to teaching and guiding him in his way. Then there is my oldest who has shown some pretty strong interests and strengths in particular areas. H is beginning to talk about college. Possibilities still remain endless but what was abstract, is now becoming a vision for the future. It is a very exciting process to watch unfold.
We all know that along the path of life there will be bumps. Some much bigger than others. In fact I have thought for a long time that if we knew all the pain that lay in front of us in life we wouldn't want to get out of bed. But we do get up...every day. We get up and keep breathing as long as we are able and we get through. I know some of you are suffering today. I know that there are hurts that you carry with you every day. I know that some of you are consumed with fear. I know that some have so much physical pain that you can think of little else. But you got up today. And you are breathing. Maybe today will be better than yesterday. Perhaps today you will be able to use some of the gifts God has given you to make this world a better place. Perhaps you will be able to use some of the gifts God gave you to make it though the day.
In the Gospel lesson today Jesus was walking along the sea of Galilee. He called two sets of brothers to follow him, to be his disciples. The first set: Simon and Andrew were casting a net into the sea..they were fishing. The second set James and John were mending nets. Both sets of brothers were fishermen working there trade when Jesus called them and they left their nets and followed him. I have always wondered about this. Was it Jesus' powerful presence that convinced these guys to leave the family business, to leave their livelihood to follow him? It's not like we are given any idea that Jesus had a really great case for following him, at least none that is recorded. I sometimes wonder if these brothers already knew Jesus. I mean Nazareth isn't that far from the sea of Galilee. Perhaps they knew Jesus already and were prepared to follow him when the time was right.
At Jesus baptism by his cousin John the voice of God came affirmed that Jesus was the beloved son. The Spirit of God descended on Jesus that day and rested on Him. The time was right!
Simon and Andrew were in the middle of their work when Jesus called. They could have said that they needed to wait until the fishing season was over. Or when they built up enough wealth so that they could afford to follow Jesus. They had work to do! They were busy! They were still strong, things were going well. Why stop now to follow Jesus? Because the time was right.
James and John were mending their nets. They could have said that they needed to wait until fish9ing season was over. Besides they had problems of their own. Their nets needed their attention. They had problems that they needed to deal with. They had work to do! They were busy. Things were falling apart right now and in to much chaos. Why stop now to follow Jesus? Because the time was right!
This gathering, this body of believers at St. Paul is not as strong as it could be. This church has plenty of unmet potential. There is the whole range of disciples in this place from those just exploring what it means to be a child of God to those of you who are quite clear about what God has called you to do and to be in this life. God has a purpose for this gathering of his children. As we build each other up and lend our gifts to each other God will continue to use this place as where his love is demonstrated. Some of you may be in the middle of casting nets; Others may be mending theirs. You may be strong, and busy and successful or you may be hurting, wounded, and holding back for a time. The fact of the matter is. We are all a little of both. We all have wounds. Think about it, what repairs do you need to make to your net today? What damage has been done in your life, whether is by your actions or by someone else? Those gaping holes in your net may be letting a lot of fish through, they may seem overwhelming but the time is right to follow Jesus. Not because our lives are at a place where it is convenient for us, but because the time is right for Jesus.
He said, “The time is fulfilled, the kingdom of God is come near. Repent of your sins and believe the Good news.” He is calling you to live into the life that he has called you to. The time has come! There is no need to wait for something to happen. There is no “moment” when the time will be right.
Jesus doesn't change our gifts he develops the gifts he has already given us. He doesn't change who we are, he awakens the person we were created to be.
If you wondering what it is that you are created to be what you need is a different focus.
We are exactly the way we are supposed to be the question is... Have we let the distractions take the place of our purpose? Some times the means to get to the end seem like ends themselves. Have you let economic prosperity and security be the goal when it is but one means to freedom from worry so that we can devote more attention to God? Have you focused so much on repairing you nets, repairing the damage and hurt done that you have forgotten that healing comes from God so that you can love God and you neighbors. You can love God and neighbor with out any prosperity or healing. Loving God and neighbor is the destination. This is the true task that God is calling us to. The other things are gifts from God to use as tools along the way.
Simon, Andrew, James and John followed Jesus because the time was right and Jesus called them personally.
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This now drift made by swirling wind reminds me of soft-serve ice cream. |
These disciples followed Jesus for 3 years they were “rock solid.” They left their work and followed Jesus to the end. Well, there may have been a few hick-ups and a slip now and again along the way. But Jesus didn't call them in their perfection and he doesn't call us in ours. He calls us in our strength and in our weakness. He calls us in our labor and in our rest. Jesus calls us by name to follow him.
So how is it with you today? You may be casting you net, or you may be mending it. Whatever the case may be, the time is right, right now, to follow Jesus.
Would you pray with me?
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