Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Old Bikes and Windmills

A bicycle outside a church. What's the big deal? It's not hurting anyone. It's not in the best shape, but it seems operational. Yet no one claims it. It appeared last summer. One day it was just there, behind the church. Some of the church members just assumed that it belonged to one of my kids. A reasonable assumption but no, it belongs to none of my children. We left the bike near where it was in the hope that the owner would return and take it with them. It's been six months now and it remains.
Perhaps it is a stolen bike who's thief had a battle with his or her conscience and decided to rid themselves of the guilt of their crime by “donating” it to a church. Just speculation. But what to do with a bike that no one wants? There is always the junk heap. That seems wasteful. There is the possibility of giving it to somebody that needs it.
Anybody want a less than perfect bike?

Its in the low 20's today. It's cold, but the wind is not blowing to much so it seems relatively pleasant. There is lots of action up and down our road lately with the construction of the wind turbines under way. This is a community divided over this issue. It is an argument that had its genesis several years before my presence as a pastor ihere. I am not sure just how God will heal the wounds to the sense of community that this area has been know for. I do know that it has to start with forgiveness. So I pray that all who have been hurt; all who have been offended and all who hold on to anger that they would offer such forgiveness. And for everybody I pray for the serenity to accept the things they cannot change; courage to change the things they can and should; and the wisdom to know the difference.    

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