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The Nativity Scenes in our homes are more than holiday decorations. They are reminders of the zeal of God for humanity. We, in turn, respond with love for God and neighbor. |
Luke 21:25-37
We are called to endure. We are not
called to suffer, though there is plenty of suffering in this world
and is near impossible to avoid.
We are called to endure. Endurance,
for a runner, its the ability to finish the race with strength.
Endurance for the Christian is to finish this earthly life with
spiritual strength, both take intentional training.
What gives you spiritual strength and
What do you do in your home to develop
your spirit?
What do you do the rest of the time?
This is the first Sunday in Advent.
This is the season we prepare our hearts, minds and spirits for the
Christmas celebration on December 25th. This is a time
rich in tradition. We can largely expect things to go much the same
as they always have because, as I have heard some of you say, “what
did we do last year?” Or “How did we do this last year?”
We begin this season of preparation walking the line between a
historical remembrance of actual events and entering into the mystery
of God where those events point to something for us know and
As Christians we are not called to go
with the flow. As Christians we are not called affirm the world as
it is. We are not called to retreat from this world, we are not
called to reject this world. Jesus came and He called us to proclaim
the kingdom of God. We believe that God will redeem the brokenness
of this world. We believe that God will use those who are faithful in
the work of redemption. The redemption of the earth and of creation
has been happening from the very beginning of time but it began in a
special way in Bethlehem 2000 and some years ago. This is a
historic event as well but more importantly this was spiritual event
and a spiritual reality.
We remember and prepare for the event
of the birth of Jesus, but we also prepare for the birth of Christ
in our lives in a new or renewed way. But that's not all! As
disciples of Jesus we read the words he said as recorded in the
scriptures and one of the things that he made clear was that the he,
the son of Man, was going to come back. There would be a second
coming and we are to live in such a way that it will be a blessing
and a benefit to us. This is a spiritual reality that Christians
believe. But is it one that will be an eventual historic reality.
You see this is a challenge for a lot of believing Christians. It's
been 2000 years after all! Jesus followers of his day believed that
the Jesus' second coming would be coming any day. Then as I have
said before, there have been over the course of time many
calculations and predictions of dates that have come and gone when
these event were to take place. And still we remain!
It can cause one to doubt or to
question whether these things will happen. But Jesus is clear. You
will see signs.
There will be sings in the sun and moon
and stars, (I'm not sure what that will be) and on earth nations will
be in distress, anxious over the roaring of the sea and the surging
waves (any nations in distress? Any anxiety over the roaring of the
sea and the surging waves? Yes of course, but what's new?) “People
will be fainting from fear and from the expectation of what is coming
on the world, for the powers of heaven will be shaken. Then they will
see the Son of Man arriving in a cloud with power and great glory.”
Shaken heavens and seeing the Son of man coming in the indescribable
Glory of God? That's new.
You see, we wont miss it. It will
happen for everybody on the face of the earth. The question is, will
we be aware or will we be distracted?
Will we lift our heads or will we hang
them low?
Will that day come like a trap or will
it be the welcome culmination of the faithfully lived life?
Jesus say when these thing begin to
happen, stand up and raise your heads, because your redemption is
drawing near! The day of your rescue from the life of illusion and
confusion you have created for yourself will arrive! That day will
be obvious. What about preparing for that day?
When we come to the day of our
redemption things will be different. The things that are of no value
to God will go away. The things we do and say that do not glorify
God...will go away. Our possessions that distract us will go away.
The work we do that does not lead to the Kingdom of God will come to
an end.
What if, on that day, you have grown
accustomed, attached even fond of all your unprofitable attachments?
Then suddenly they are taken away.
How many times in your life have you
gone through the Advent and Christmas season and on December 26th
or so you say something like, “It just doesn't fell like we had
Christmas,” Or “I cant believe its over already”? That's
because sometimes we expect the season to just happen to us. We
enter into all the distractions of the Holiday and ride them like a
merry-go-'round and we end up going no where.
This is a dangerous and difficult
world. The distractions that we choose to become addicted to,
seemingly make this wold easier to tolerate. But in reality, they
sap our strength. They disconnect us from the true source of peace
and power. Our distractions move us further and further away from
our devotion to Almighty God.
Jesus says “Be alert praying that you
may ave the strength to escape all these things that will take
Distractions of this world,drunkenness
worries of this life are things that Jesus warns against not because
they make God so angry but because they will distract us from the
blessings and the promise of his presence and his coming.
The point of preparing for Christmas is
preparing our hearts, minds and souls for an indwelling Jesus Christ
in our lives. If we are truly prepared for Christ to enter our lives,
we will live as though the kingdom has already come. We need to look
inside and remove those things that we are attached to that are not
glorifying to God.
If you have built a life full of
distractions and suddenly those distractions are taken away it may
well seem like your life has been taken away. It can be very
uncomfortable and even painful. Just look at the pain and difficulty
of the process of overcoming addiction to alcohol or other
substances. But if we commit our lives, now, to loving God, when
that day comes it will be a beautiful culmination of a faith fulled
Jesus is coming in a way that you
cannot possibly expect. Be prepared. Be watchful.
So how is it with you today? We all
have distractions that are not profitable to our spirits. As we
enter into a time of communion with our God lets us begin with a time
of confession, lifting to God those things we know that we need to
let go. Lift to God, silently in your heart and mind, those things
and ask God for forgiveness, and ask God for the freedom to love him
more freely.
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