Monday, December 24, 2012

Jesus is The Prince of Peace

Luke 2:1-20
In ancient tradition the day ends with the setting of the sun, and when it is fully set the next day has begun. So this is Christmas! Merry Christmas!

Many have traveled to be with family on this very holy day. Those of you who have traveled to be here with family in this place, welcome! I am so honored to worship God with you. I am honored that on this night we share the same path on this life changing journey called Christian discipleship. Aside from the nasty storm we had on Friday, the weather has been fairly agreeable for travel this season and I am glad you have made it safely here.
On Christmas eve 25 years ago I was in San Diego, which was, by the way the only Christmas I have ever spent outside of Michigan. I flew out with my sister and my grandmother and we had a connection to make in either Columbus or Cincinnati, I can't remember which now, but we came in through a terrible thunderstorm in a tiny aircraft. We were shaken like I had never been shaken before. I don't know if it was my heart cheering or if there was actually applause when the plane finally came to rest on the tarmac, but I know that it was a terrifying experience and we were all glad it was over. We made it safely to My Aunt and Uncle's in San tee which is a suburb of San Diego California. We had a nice holiday with them. We got to see all the great tourist attractions in the area. That year Michigan State University was in the Rose Bowl and we saw several of the marching band members when we visited Disney Land. We went up in the mountains, we went to Hollywood. It was a fun trip. It was a strange trip. I was allergic to something in my Aunts house and I woke every morning with my eyes matted shut. Also, while we were there it snowed. At the low elevation that we were at, it was a rare thing to see snow and it had been several years since it had last happened, and yet there it was cold and snow just like back in Michigan. Then there was the traffic. You think Chicago traffic is bad? You should experience the highway system between San Diego and Anaheim. There are few times I feared for my life as much as that. But with all the ups, downs, twists and turns of that experience. I absolutely treasure the memory of it.
All the difficulties we experienced on that trip were sort of normal. All the challenges were manageable. Now think of the difficulties Joe and Mary had on their Christmas trip. They had a nice place up north. They had a rough time the past few months with Mary's pregnancy. Joe knew that baby wasn't his and he suspected others knew it as well. They were told by the government that they had to go and get registered there was a census being taken. The thing is, they had to go back to their hometowns. That meant a week on the road, at least. They had no choice. It was the Law. So they headed out.
On any great life changing journey (which this was) not only do we face physical challenges but also spiritual and emotional ones as well. As a husband with a pregnant wife being forced to make a long difficult journey. The word resentment comes to mind.
We don't know the details of the journey except that when they got to the place they were heading there was no welcome for them. No family to house them. No friends to greet them. They couldn't even buy a place to stay. The Hotels were booked solid. The word stress comes to mind.
Stress around Christmas time? Unheard of. Right?
People that are stressed can be Grumpy, Angry, Irritated.
So the long journey was complete and now there was no place to stay. What could possibly happen next? Well that's when it was time for the baby to come. They needed a place. The only thing available was barn, probably just a cave for animals. It was all they had available. Mary was probably concentrating on the birth pangs while Joesph was thinking “This isn't the right place.” But the baby was coming, there was no stopping it. The baby that the Angel told her she would have 9 months before was here.
Mary lay her baby in a manger not because that was her desire but that is what was available.
Alone, no friends or family near. In a barn with a new baby. Completely vulnerable. The word fear comes to mind.
Meanwhile in a field some distance a way the heavens opened up and there is an army of God's angels singing praises to God over the birth that had just taken place. And one of those angels told to shepherd there to go and see the baby who is to be a savior. The baby who is the Messiah.
And so the young couple Joe and Mary in their resentment, stress and fear feeling very vulnerable with their new baby see a group of men approaching. Shepherds. Shepherds were not the most desirable characters in society. They stayed out with their sheep 24/7. What did these guys want?
These dirty, scary shepherds told Mary and Joe all they had experience and heard and just as quickly left them all the while praising God.
There they were, the Holy Family with their new born baby. Through all they experienced scripture says that Mary treasured up all that was said and pondered what it all might mean. The chaos, the frustration, the anger the fear surrounding the birth of Jesus now settles into peaceful contemplation.
In the birth event of Jesus Christ we see the heavenly and the earthly realms in accord. The army of angels praising God along with the lowliest of humanity. The baby Jesus surrounded by farm animals. There is no distinction of class. There are no laws given. There is only the perfect gift of love by a loving God. God gave himself to us that Christmas morning.
As you travel the path of this life. You will be met with resentment, stress and fear. This night, let the peace of God fill you as you ponder the wonder of the Eternal One born as a baby in Bethlehem and remains a connection between the Heavenly and the Earthly.

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